Best Holiday


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Mia Ho or also known as Mei Yao that I met during the MITM fair in early July introduced me to Best Holiday. Mia is a friendly, thoughtful and hard working tour guide. She explained to me a few tours in details and patiently. My family and I have decided to sign up two tour packages with Best Holiday.

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Over the past 3 years, Covid-19 has made a paradigm shift in many people's life.

Those who were actively traveling prior to the pandemic have since been lock-down and held back.

While those who travel less or have not traveled at all have witnessed how vulnerable life could be and vowed to travel more should they survive the pandemic. I belong to the latter.

Upon hearing the news of Taiwan opening for tourism, together with my friend, I jumped on the first

available slot and head on to Taiwan on the 8th of December 2022 with a tour package offered by Best Holiday.

Best Holiday tour, 8D7N Taiwan Featured West Coast, was a take-home package.

From the time we depart and back home, all check-in processes be it at the airport or the hotels

were smoothly handed by the pretty tour leader, Ms. MIA.

A thumbs up to her for being so caring and helpful throughout the entire trip.

The 8 days itinerary was packed but well planned to enable us to cover all the places stated in the package.

The trip was fun with a friendly and knowledgeable tour guide, "Bao Zi Ge".

I will not forget the experience he made us taste the "Pinang"/ Betel Nut.

Thank you, Best Holiday, for a memorable trip. Hopefully, in near future, we will meet again.

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WWW Best Holiday is reputable and experienced with travelling. They are organizing promotion in their booth at MATTA FAIR Septembere 2016
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WWW Best Holiday is famous in Malaysia. They offer good travelling package.
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WWW Best Holiday 受马来西亚华人旅游业公会所承认
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WWW BEST HOLIDAY is registered under Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia and offer services of Inbound, Outbound and Ticketing.
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WWW Best Holiday is registered under Malaysian Association of Tour & Travel Agents and offer services of Inbound, Outbound and Ticketing.