May i know how much the school fees to register n how many fees need to pay 1 0 February 20, 2021 by Kk
May I know how to register to get in to the Sk Convent for my 7 years old daughter? 0 0 January 21, 2021 by Leng
Sekolah Rendah Keb Convent 1 Klang ialah sekolah kluster kecemerlang dalam Kebitaraan Akademik BAHASA INGGERIS 0 0 June 24, 2016 by Review Admin
Sekolah Rendah Keb Convent 1 Klang ialah sekolah kluster kecemerlang dalam Kebitaraan Kokurikulum KEBUDAYAAN (MUZIK) 0 0 June 24, 2016 by Review Admin