Melaka Wonderland


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it's good for family time. everybody can have fun at there. melaka wonderland should improve the games.
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Saturday 6, 2017 Ok not bad..ada pro n cons every theme park.. We all celebrate annivessary & birthday suprise party kt dalam tu..siap bawa kek lg utk small event ni.. Thank you for your cooperation especially the management / ticketing/ all theme park staff that give permision to us. My request via email and at the same day your staff call me to respond about that.Thank you again , superb service..
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Been here countless of time as my son enjoys playing in the water. We joined the membership and as such, my pocket did not feel the "bite" when going through the cashier counter.The place has attractions for both small kids and young adults. It will be packed with people during weekends and public holidays, so go early to avoid the queue and reserved the best shaded chairs and tables.
But what worrying me is that sometimes when we went there, the water was a bit murky and has "somekind" of smell, especially in the kiddy area.
What I don't like is that eventhough the place was supposed to be a no-smoking place (as signage on this was all over the place) some adults and their own staff do smoke in the cafe area.
After going there for approximately 8 or 9th time, we ended our visit. We'll find other water theme park from now on.

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Semalam pergi. Walaupun makanan kat dalam agak mahal tapi boleh lagi consider kerana puas hati dengan perkhidmatan disediakan. Sebagai penambahbaikan saya bagi beberapa komen. 1) Tentang parking tu memang betul kena tingkatkan lagi kualiti. Kesian mereka yang parking agak jauh dan pintu masuk ke main entrance kena jalan jauh. Kena buat jalan alternative. 2)Tandas di kolam ombak perlu lebih bersih. Boleh improve lagi..
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Mmg best sagat taman tema air ni.... berpuas hati sagat2..... tandas pon terjaga bersih jer.... nanti sy akan datang lagi... anak2 seronok happy sagat....
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They have a lot of slides and very little restrictions on clothings, googles and even cameras and hand phones! 012 So we took alot of photos too! 012a Thanks Casper for helping us to take these photos too! 012b They have mini slides for those we are afraid of water. 013 The best slide we loved the most if this WAVE RACER! 013a Look at how much fun I had! 014 They also have a big wave pool too.. However the wave waiting time is quite long.