KRS TRAVEL Port Dickson


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Alhamdulillah... it has been such a humbling experience to be one of the jemaah and finish my umrah and ziarah in Makkah and Madinah with my family under the guidance of ustaz habib/syed.. thank you so much to ustaz habib for the excellent care and giving us knowledge on our prophet muhammad SAW sirah and barakah places in Al Haram. Your beautiful words has embarked a strong belief in all of us, stengthen our iman. InsyaAllah.. May we will be given chances in the future to be one of the jemaah again in Makkah and Madinah... InsyaAllah.... SubhanaAllah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar #mutawwifustazhabib #missingAlharam #krstravel
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Baru sahaja menunaikan umrah 7/2 - 18/2 bersama KRS Travel. Amat berpuas hati dgn layanan serta mutawwif yg profesional. Terima kasih KRS Travel serta mutawwif Uztad Khairullah ( bas 1 ). Pengalaman business class tanpa dijangka. Syukran.
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Tahniah kepada KRS Travel....terutama mutawif ustaz Fendi , sangat bertangungjawab dan mengambil berat jemaah umrah 6 Dec 2017. Perjalanan umrah berjalan dengan lancar dengan bantuan mutawif ustaz fendi yang mesra dan suka membantu selain memberikan penerangan yang sangat jelas tentang ibadat umrah dan tempat - tempat bersejarah.
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Alhamdulillah.saya dan suami 1st time tunaikan umrah.kami berlima bersama parents(4th time) dan ibu mertua.servis memuaskan.kami dibimbing dgn taklimat dan praktikal di msia.dan berterusan ke madinah dan makkah.hotel selesa.distance dlm 70m ke masjidil nabawi dan 400m ke masjidil haram.ziarah dan 3 kali umrah.terima kasih kepada 3 haji zul,haji idin dan ustaz azrol.
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KRS TRAVEL Port Dickson is reputable and experienced with travelling. They are organizing promotion in their booth at MATTA FAIR Septembere 2016
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KRS TRAVEL Port Dickson is registered under Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia and offer services of Inbound, Outbound and Ticketing.