Kinderland Malaysia


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Kinderland had become a place which my son will feel excited to go to. He learn a lot from the teacher and able to speak fluently in english with us. Sometimes he is the one who teach us how should we pronounce the words correctly. Its a great place to send the kids to as the teachers are friendly and caring.
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My daughter loves to go to kinderland. She able to speak fluently in english and she share everything with us after she back from kindergarten. She is much more obedient and learn to share things with others. Thumbs up to all the teacher.
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My daughter loves going to Kinderland Puchong Utama, we are thankful to find a good pre school near our neighborhood. Kinderland emphasizes on both education and child development, they have many activities to keep them busy and kids enjoy the enrichment programs. The teachers are fun, caring, creative and patience, the Principal Ms Mei Lee is well organized & lovely, all of them are from early childhood education background. Under their guidance, my daughter has gained a great foundation without my worry.
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While searching for a kindergarten for our 4 year old son this year, we decided to look at Kinderland Sri Hartamas at 18 1 Jalan 27/70A Desa Sri Hartamas 50480 Kuala Lumpur. The place is easy enough to find but it is located on the second floor of a row of shophouses with an open space parking lot nearby. The kindergarten principal was out when we where there and the teacher that spoke to us was young lady; Teacher Maggie, we were actually more interested in looking at the Kindergarten's facilities and the programmes offered but the teacher can't seem to explain to us well enough and just pass us the fee structure. Walking about the area, I can see 2 classrooms and a lot of arts and crafts materials, musical instruments and there are some kids tricycle / flying turtle, a small slide and a small pool half filled with balls. A small tank housed a very small live turtle while the tank next to it is empty.I would say that the teachers looked kind and treated the kids well and the kids looked happy. Although I find the place a bit dark. Food is also prepared by a Cambodian helper so I am not too keen on that.
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My review of Kinderland? Now in her second year in Kinderland, my daughter is happy there. She did not have an easy settling in time. Many children begin their kindy years from the age of 4 or younger. My girl joined when she was 5, so she was the new kid on the block. You remember how hard it is to break into established social circles, don't you? Kinderland runs 2 streams English (for those going to Kebangsaan or private schools with no Mandarin component) and Chinese (gearing for the Chinese medium schools). I enrolled her into the Chinese stream, and she did not speak Mandarin when she started. So it was a double whammy for her. She cried for 3 months! And I had to be there. I almost broke and considered changing her kindergarten. But there is no guarantee she would be happier some place else. So I hung on. Today, my girl converses easily in Mandarin, English and a smattering of Bahasa Malaysia. She has built her social confidence and her own circle of friends. Some of the children who did not accept her into their circle at first, still do not do so today, but she doesn't mind as she has other friends. And I tell my daughter that you can't be friends with everyone, and indeed, some people are not worth the effort. I noticed that my girl is rather popular with the boys, and it is cute to see the boys bringing her shoes and water tumbler to her at dismissal time! Kinderland gives the children homework everyday, with spelling tests of 5 words and one sentence for each of the 3 languages weekly. And of course, the term assessments. Academically, I hear that Kinderland is not as tough as, say, Mariaville off Jalan Tambun or 'Wai Lei' near Jalan Yang Kalsom in town. Apparently those 2 kindies give tons of homework, and teach Standard 1 material, with 20 words for spelling each time! 20 words? Phew! If you are the sort of parent who wants your child to super excel academically and shine in Standard 1, you might want to go for Mariaville or 'Wai Lei'. You will find Kinderland too laid back, as Kinderland strives to provide a balanced and rounded education experience. Kinderland arranges excursions each term to, for example, the pet shop, stud farm, parks and the state library. There is also plenty of arts and crafts. And their annual concert is a really big deal. The principal and teachers put in a tremendous amount of effort into the concert, and the kids get to sing, dance, deliver speeches, play instruments. Quite good fun, as is their annual sports day. My daughter is not overly burdened with homework until she detests doing it, and she is happy to practise for her spelling tests. I find the teachers at Kinderland caring, contrary to the negative remark I heard early on. If your child is absent for more than 2 days, Kinderland will give you a call to find out if everything is ok. I believe Kinderland receives more children under its daycare wing rather than its kindergarten arm. The sleeping facility in Kinderland is excellent, with each child provided with his/ her own sleeping cot in a large dorm like room (not sleeping on the floor like some kindies or daycare I have seen). Kinderland provides breakfast, morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack for those under daycare. Their young charges range in age from infants to primary school children.
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fungates adnil tak tau tapi anak no 3 adnil penah skolah kat kinderland tu for nearly 2 yrs gak ms umur dia 3 thn.. academic wise mmg bagus.. kat umah mmg tak berapa ckp english tapi kat sini mmg bahasa pengantara english total.. so nak tak nak kena ckp gak which is very good. even helper and van driver (registered with centre saja) seme ckp english. origin sistem pembelajaran dari singapore so leh faham lah cam ne stringent nya kan.. tu lah sebab adnil kuarkan dia dulu.. tiap tiap hari ada keje umah, cam terlalu menekankan.. pas tu masuk genius aulad.. langsung menyesal kuarkan dari kinderland tuh... dok kat genius aulad dekat 2 thn gak.. no progress... now kat qdees sebab kinderland dah penuh.. alhamdulilah now dah agak agak bersedia untuk std 1 next year.. tapi i rasa kalau dia continue kat kinderland bfore dia reach 6 dia dah leh baca dah.. sbb mmg target diaorg cam tu..
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I went to Kinderland (USJ11) this morning and was given a good tour round by the principal. The building is big thus offering spacious classes for (max) 15 20 students. Got to know their's are of Spore syllabus gradually incorporating some Msian syllabus to suit the education needs eg bahasa msia. They conduct basically in english but have BM classes. Also offers mandarin as extra curriculum. Stress on creativity, cognitive skills as well as social bonding and responsibilities. Learn by play kinda method use. They have excursions and stuff with lifeskill/self experience. Not too/over academic.... i think its quite good for overall development. They even have like science projects....Well, decided to tryout this Nursery. Only thing is the classes are not all a/cond...well maybe later on they may think of upgrading this area??.. My boy and your girl could be classmates huh??..... Yup still looking for the swimming details for you. Don't know where I misplaced the whole stack of brochures.
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Hi again, guess I already made the inquiry to Kinderland myself and will be going there this Wed for a tour round the school and get to now 1st hand their curriculum. I spoke to the principle today and found out they do incorporate 'learn by play' methods and the teachings are not too academic and yet not too playful. They stress on whole brain development which is good too. The class is a max of 20 students. And their fees are very reasonable compares to what they are offering. They have extra curriculum activities eg drama, language, taekwondo, ballet, music....etc and that's good as all books and no play will result in a pretty dull kid! huh? I was also told by some friends that their classrooms are big compares to those of corner link houses converted. And that they also prefer Kinderland compares to a few within the same vacinity that offers very academic syllabus which is kinda lobsided. Well personally I would prefer an allrounder kid than one that is too academic and goes by the book type. What's do you say huh?