Fitness First Mont Kiara


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Within 3 months plus I joined the FF, the staff lost my membership card twice. Now every time I go to the FF the curve Branch I have to be worried whether they will make my card lost again ... ironically, no calling me as promised by the staff regarding the card lost, instead they asked me today to show driving license whenever I enter the gym next time. Another 9 months to go before I terminate the membership if it is still no apology received from the management. That's it.
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Hi my name is Andrina Carvalho and I have been a member of FF KBT for nine amazing years. However, our Platinum club feels as though we are always side tracked.For example being Platinum and we do not even have RPM.To rub further salt inti the wound, three Platinum clubs have now Power Plate training at these gyms while FF KBT has once again been left out.Why is it so? Many members of KBT would like to request for the Power Plate...could the management please at least fulfill this request.We are also paying members of a Platinum club and please do not discriminate, instead do treat us fairly. Thank you....lastly..I would like to thank FF for these nine years.The gym has changed me and I am an avid supporter, a die hard fan for life.
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Last time I am a fat boy. Thanks to this fitness centre! They have hired professional trainers for their customers. The trainers have the right way to coach me in playing every gym equipment so that I won't get injured, makes me love doing exercise at there! The trainer will control my eating habit to ensure I can slim down within a period.
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My friend twisted his ankle if your Wisma Manulife outlet. I asked for a cold compressed or a muscle relief lotion (like deep heat) but was told none were available in the gym. I find it alarming that an international fitness chain goes not stock up common supplies for common sports injury. Very disappointing.

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Fitness First has been around for a while, and with their tagline of 'Real People, Real Results', they still rule the gym world in Malaysia with a promise to create a better, healthier you. The biggest advantage to signing on with Fitness First is that they have a ton of outlets in malls and commercial areas in Malaysia (although all but one of them are in Klang Valley), spanning from Setia Alam all the way to Kuala Lumpur. But if you are more into group exercise, Fitness First only provides a handful of classes, with a selection less diverse than that of other gyms, so give it a trial run first before committing to a membership.

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The most comfortable gym in Subang I guess. The lift is pretty suxx but theres nothing to do with Fitness First. You stay with Empire Hotel, you may come here for free. Not to forget, handsome PT's!!

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Nak cite la sikit..You know from my past postings how i'm getting unhealhtier and fatter. Well, recently i did something about it.The only thing i thought suited for me at the time. I joined a gym..Huhu That's the only thing i thought the least effort and most helpful thing i could do for my health. Nak jog outside like normal people, susah nak find the time and place. So i signed up for gym membership. Senang coz sebelah ofis although they cost a fortune. Tapi untuk buff up before the W word then kenalahkan. Plus the fact that i need to take care of my joints. Kalo lari kat outside, mcm terlampau streneous for my joints lak. So aku belilah groupon True Fitness rm45 for one month membership Masuk2 sana nak redeem, kena meet consultant dulu pulak. Okay jugak..I want to hear how much True Futness(TF) ni cas coz i had experience kat Fitness First(FF) a year ago. Harga published for TF quite mahal compared to TF. I mean mahal in a sense of berbaloi lah. Joining fee and segala fee lain combined around 3,4 ratus. Monthly around 175(passport)/159(home) kalo x silap(ini harga nego bukan published). X berbaloi kan. Tapi kelebihan TF ni equipment dia lagi variety and besar and banyak. Kekurangan dia, lack of branches and so, so much more. Tapi keuntungan TF ni dapat tarik aku hanya pasal satu faktor. Ianya berdekatan dengan ofis aku. Just walking distance. Kalo dak, memang xmau aku dengan TF ni..Cekik darah for a small chain and management TERUK SANGAT2. Ini perbandingan yang aku buat kalo True Fitness( TF) VS Fitness First(FF) from my own personal experience. monthly fee: (TF) Passport/premium: RM180( very hard to get discount) (FF)passport/premium RM 20x.xx ( inc. tax,discount for Scope staff) contract: (TF) 12/24 months. They pushed u for 24 months with better rate. Just say no. (FF) 12 months. equipment: (TF) a lot more modern and choices (FF) equipment: ok/limited branches: (TF) 5 nationwide (FF) 14 nationwide swimming pool: (TF) bigger.outdoor in Jaya 33 (FF) indoor pool.Smaller in Empire. yoga: (TF) Bikram pay diff.Normal yoga apparently comes free.(meaning exc. in the package?i oso confuse) (FF) included in the package. even hot yoga.( i dont do yoga so i dont know the diff between bikram and hot yoga) towel service: (TF) Dont have. Give lame excuse for healthy reason. (FF) Provided. They wash everytime. free gift after join: (TF) Don't have at all. Not given out even though i signed up for premium package. (FF) Given out. Backpack, headset, face towel, water bottle,starter kit books. Card : (TF) weeks after joined baru dapat. So *inappropriate words* lousy. (FF) Immediately given out with even your picture on it. Juice bar : (TF) NO! They do have water cooler which not even cool and taste like normal air paip without being purified/filtered. (FF) YES! with coffee/green tea/tea and carbonated drinks like ice tea/100 plus/coke. Shower: (TF) Shower curtain only. Aiyo. Lack privacy. Very kedekut! (FF) Modern and normal shower door. Locker: (TF) Sempit locker room. Locker also kinda small. X brp muat for my laptop and gym back at the same time.Must bring your own padlock. So miskin! (FF) Bigger locker room in all branches. Locker use member card for locking system.The locker tu pon besar and boleh fit your laptop bag and gym bag at the same time. Ambiance: (TF) disco like lights. (FF) White lighting. People: (TF) Not so many malay and indian. Majority are chinese. (FF) Very 1 Malaysia and many foreigner also. Haha Trainer: (TF) *inappropriate words* expensive and money oriented. MLM like approach. (FF) If you dont want, they dont pushed you for a trainer. So can enjoy your 'free' PT session freely. Parking: (TF) NO parking or special rate whatsoever. (FF) In some branches, special rate is provided. Classes: (TF) Ok with more variations. (FF) OK. Boxing/muay thai: (TF) yes in some branches. (FF) No. (from my last experience a year ago) Counter service: (TF) Friendly and helpful. (FF) Always busy. X busy pon, busy menyombong. Wifi/ PC : (TF) Not sure have or not but takde public pc. (FF) hAVE WIFI and public pc in premium branches. Newspaper/ Magazines: (TF) No and No. (FF) Have. All major daily newspaper and magazines to read. Account freeze for Muslim member during Ramadan.: (TF) NO!! Pisses me off! (FF) Yes. DVD movie free rental: (TF) No. (FF) Provided. So for me, Fitness First is hands down WAY, WAY better than the sad and lousy True Fitness. And to think, there's only 20,30 ringgit different but you pay for a lot more. But for me, True Fitness is an obvious choice in the meantime psl only next door to my office. If amek FF, the closest branches are Summit and Empire which both involve parking charges. So kinda rugi lah. So anyone thinking to join a gym, just don't think about True Fitness. Service very lousy and doesn't match with their 'normal' expensive rate. I am sorry True Fitness. I have no bad thing to say about you personally but please improve. Don't be so kedekut and cut cost here and there to feed your big bosses. Otherwise, all you customer will lari to FF or any other gym for that matter.

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1) a True Fitness consultant actually knocked on my car window and asked me to buy membership. It'll go bankrupt sooner or later. 2) Other gyms.. well, their locations are bullshit, and I've never heard of them (what on earth is Gorgeous Fitness?), so I'll spare making them look as bad than they already are. Staff counter Fitness First staff receptionists are friendly, smile all the time and talk to you. Kissing ass and *inappropriate words* up to you, pretending that they 'care' just to make you feel personally attached and stay at the gym so they get to keep their jobs longer. When you forget to bring your membership card, they'll make you fill out an annoying data form just to check in to the gym. Celebrity Fitness staff receptionists are 'alright' just because they don't stroke balls with annoying fake smiles and they do things fast, I like it that way. When you forget your card, all you need is to give them your handphone number. They'll key it in and, voila. Simple as that. Celebrity Fitness 1 Fitness First 0 (I hate ass kissers.) Cleaners I despise both cleaners at Fitness First and Celebrity Fitness because they mop the floors while everyone is still working out during operational hours at gym; and they are not supposed to *inappropriate words* do that! We don't like stepping on wet floors when walking to the toilet you morons, it's dangerous and bad for our expensive Nike shoes. Marks deducted for that one. Celebrity Fitness ( 1) Fitness First ( 1) Opening hours Fitness First Monday to Friday 6.30am to 11.00pm on weekdays, 7.00am to 7.00pm on weekends. Celebrity Fitness Monday to Friday 6.00am to 12 midnight on weeddays, 8.00am to 10.00pm on weekends. Round one goes to Celebrity Fitness 1 Fitness First 0 Trainers Fitness First trainers are lame, smile at you all the time and stand around. No matter how many times you ask for help with a certain machine, they will never give out free advice unless you inquire about PT training, always referring you to their 'packages'. As if these *inappropriate words* salesmen aren't paid enough to stand around. They also flirt with female staff and members which I think is unprofessional and slimy. Although I would never buy their expensive ass scam packages, Fitness First trainers are much.. much better trainers than Celebrity Fitness trainers. Why? Because they've gone through that Les Milles certified training bullshit. And Celebrity Fitness trainers? They are the worst. I was met with disappointment upon my first day joining as they assigned an old.. inexperienced, illeterate, smelly Bangladeshi to me. I was appalled. They asked this 'PT trainer' with broken english to show me around and give me my 2 trial 'PT training', I predicted he would offer me some *inappropriate words* packages later on. His breath was bad. So I was jogging on the treadmill and he kept talking to me, I was annoyed and in my head I was screaming 'shut. the. *inappropriate words*. up'. Every sentence he would end with 'bro'. Yeah bro. Like that bro. Cool bro. Chill bro. Dude, I am not your bro. If I was I'd punch you in balls, tie them with a string to a ceiling fan, and laugh at you. I was curious with how on earth he got the job, so I asked him about his job before he was interviewed and accepted by CF. He told me he was a.. lorry driver.. I was speechless. And the job before that? Post Office Laju Malaysia delivering letters (what the fish?) After that we did some *inappropriate words* kiddy basic workouts. When I finished my sets he tried to sell me some other *inappropriate words* discounted packages that Celebrity Fitness made him memorise. I was surprised he had enough brains to use a calculator. The next day I called up the management and asked them to cancel my trial 'PT training' as I was not interested one bit and never saw the guy again. I was working out another day. Right after finishing my set hitting the tricep muscles, I was catching up with my breath. This muscular buff smily trainer acting all polite came up to 'inform' me a package 'promotion'. 'God.' I thought to myself, 'annoying buggers.' I told him to go away and expressed 0 interest in any whatsoever packages. Seriously, not only does Celebrity Fitness hire anyone off the road and call them trainers; they're annoying like *inappropriate words* salesmen and I hate my workouts being interrupted. If you want PT training, please for god's sake choose Fitness First. They'd push you, and you wouldn't want tattoo ed fat amateurs to train you. Fitness First 1 Celebrity Fitness 0 Drinks Fitness First provides soft drinks gone bad. The 100PLUS and Sprite taste like acid mixed with bleach, and their Ice Lemon Tea has enough sugar in it to give you diabetes in a week. Hell gyms aren't supposed to have drinks at all, they're supposed to be healthy! Their boiled water tastes like melted plastic, ugh. The worst part is their green tea taste funny, and I love green tea so it was real..bad. The drinks there have enough carbs and sugar to ruin the calories you burned through a 3 hour workout. Celebrity Fitness has cold drinking fountains that taste like unfiltered water. I doubt they changed the filters unless I launch a complaint. But otherwise, having water is better than having soft drinks in a gym. Celebrity Fitness 1 Fitness First 0 . Toilet (Changing Rooms, Lockers, Shower) The toilets in Fitness First look nice and classy, and the lockers installed are really hi tech cutting edge technology. However, the lockers smell really, really bad. Something between the lines of fermented cheese and sour ass. They're equipped with *inappropriate words* tiny hairdryers. The water heating system *inappropriate words*. When too many members shower at the same time, there is hardly any hot water at all. In Celebrity Fitness, you have to carry your own lock around which is pretty inconvenient when you leave it at home and forget to bring the annoying thing. The lockers also smell like sour ass. The overall look of the toilet facilities is a basic 3 out of 5. The thing I like most about CF is their water. Hallelujah. Celebrity Fitness has a powerful central water heating system that keeps the water warm on default all the time. When too many members shower, you will still be able to 'Ahh~' to the hot.. steamy shower. They are equipped with powerful hairdryers as well. Celebrity Fitness 1 Fitness First 0 Towels Fitness First requires you to bring your own towel, which *inappropriate words* because.. who'd wanna wash their own sweaty towels? Celebrity Fitness has a designated towel counter for members. Just give them any kinds of cards (I usually use my expired driving license) and you'll get a small and big towel with a towel card. Don't lose any of them or you'll have to pay! Celebrity Fitness 1 Fitness First 0 Equipment Sometimes when you're in bad luck, at peak hours the gym fills up like a sardine can. I found that Fitness First had less machines and the varieties to target muscles are limited compared to the Machines at Celebrity Fitness. Celebrity Fitness 1 Fitness First 0 Classes Fitness First offers classes that are taught by unattractive quiet instructors plucked off a newspaper ad. They cannot possibly compete with the classes in Celebrity Fitness taught by trained professionals. Keep an eye out for Sonny teaching his extreme Zoomba Dance on Thursdays Celebrity Fitness 8pm, he is *inappropriate words* good at it. Celebrity Fitness 1 Fitness First 0 Fees I'm fully sponsored to workout at Celebrity Fitness for free because I have good contacts in there. Fitness First is definitely more expensive than Celebrity Fitness. Last I heard Celebrity Fitness charges RM189 for passport fees and Fitness First charges RM195 for passport fees. Passport membership allows access to all branches nationwide. Celebrity Fitness 1 Fitness First 0 Branches Fitness First has 13 branches in Malaysia and 100s all over the world. Celebrity Fitness has 9 in Malaysia and some branches in India as well as Indonesia. No competition here, Celebrity Fitness loses. Celebrity Fitness 0 Fitness First 1 Partners Fitness First is parterned with Nando's... yum. Both FF and CF have partnership with GNC Live Well and various other workout supplements. However Celebrity Fitness is tied to dozens of businesses and have many offers for the members. This round goes to Celebrity Fitness. Celebrity Fitness 1 Fitness First 0 See more at: fitness or fitness first.html#sthash.FVgOAmpA.dpuf
