Fire Prevention Council, Malaysia (FIPCOM) business logo picture

Fire Prevention Council, Malaysia (FIPCOM)

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FIPCOM is a government-linked NGO formed on July 25, 2007 by 23 founding members under the national chairmanship of then-Deputy Minister of Housing & Local Government, Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew. The objective of FIPCOM and its role is to complement the functions of the Fire & Rescue Department Malaysia (FRDM) by working together in coordinating and executing fire prevention activities. 

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Our Objectives Presented

Our objectives outline a shared vision for FIPCOM and reflect our core values. They help us set common standards and goals in our aim to provide assistance to any organization and government agency in creating awareness on the dangers of fire and the ways to prevent it. These objectives are listed below:


  1. Organize, coordinate, promote activities and assist other organizations and institutions, bodies and persons for the purpose of fire protection and prevention.
  2. Educate the public on the perils of fire and guide them in establishing proper safeguards against loss of life and property by fire.
  3. Sponsor, organize, implement and sustain projects like seminars, meetings, lectures, training courses, campaigns, exhibitions and other related activities.
  4. Disseminate information to the public through mass media, periodicals, pamphlets, audiovisual materials, any relevant literature and any other means.
  5. Organize research and analyse the various causes of fire and recommend the most efficient means of preventing or minimizing the loss of life and property; and protection to the relevant authorities.
  6. Cooperate with other organizations, both local & foreign, having similar interests in promoting and improving fire prevention and protection.
  7. Collect and receive grants, endowment, donations and legacies from individuals or organizations or from any other source and all monies received are to be used to promote, support and sustain activities in fulfilment of the intent of FIPCOM.
  8. Hold or invest and deal with monies of FIPCOM not immediately required upon, such as securities or properties, and in such manner as may be determined with the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies and the relevant authorities.


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