Dr. Teh Jin Teik


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Personally think he's the most friendly and patient Dr in JB so far I've met. The rest either not much talking or else talking more about money. Met him at Gleneagles Medini and so far no complaint. Until today my son is 20 months old, he still can remember us. He definitely will come by to talk to us and play with my son if he see us. Thumbs up and will definitely go back to him for my second pregnancy.

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hi,Dr Teh住在我家公,家婆家隔壁的隔壁罢了,他跟我们说他在Kempas医院,我之前第一胎也是给他开刀的,他真的不错。

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在 kempas 哦。。。我两年前也是他开刀的,伤口几乎看不出来哦。。。他不错。不知道kempas 多少钱,如果你去找他,我要问你价钱了

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Dr.teh 真的不錯,所以很多人都去看他。

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The Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Columbia Asia that I see is Dr Teh Jin Teik. He's the most popular Obstetrician in the hospital and is always busy. For Saturday's appointment, we would usually arrive at 7.45 am (or before) to queue for registration and return to hospital at around 10.30 - 11 am for our consultation. There's no appointment system in the hospital, you have to register and queue. Dr Teh has been very wonderful, friendly & soft spoken and very patient. He did my C-section surgery successfully and even removed an inflamed appendix in the process. If I have any emergency questions, I could sms and he would reply :) He also answered our questions on our baby even though he's not a pediatrician.
