Dr Susanna Huam Siew Hoon


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Nice doc. She provides good advices

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I used to have Dr Huam but I switched to Dr Tang (SJMC) in week 30, cos I cannot stand the non systematic way of that clinic. They do not do weight checks, urine test and never asked me if I need any detail scans, etc. I question the nurse why she didn't do it for me, instead, she asked me to do it myself for weighing, and very impatient on why I insisted on the urine test..
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I would recommend Dr Susanna Huam (Damansara Specialist Hospital). She is very nice and friendly. She has got many patients under her as well.
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Susanna did a check on me, scan and all, she then explained that, my placenta is fine. It is supposed to mature when I'm in my third trimester, but it is not as bad as doing a c-section. She told me to relax and come again in 2 weeks time to see how it goes and to check my amniotic fluid. Yeap, I've had contractions, and my amniotic fluid dries up fast. Pity mummy's boy inside!
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so i picked Dr. Susanna Huam. Her clinic is closed on Wednesdays and Sundays. My appointment is on Thursday.. after i made the appointment.. i was thinking.. why did i made it 1 week later.. i'm so worried now, because Dr P's clinic said, make your appointment when you're on your 7th week. But when i called DSH Dr Susanna's clinic, the nurse said i can come in anytime already, to check if it's ectopic or normal pregnancy. My goodness, she just had to put such things into my head.. now i've been worrying for the whole week. Hoping it's all okay!
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My gynae also Dr Susanna. She is fine la.. but a bit brief.. She finish my C-sec within half an hour.. LOL. Her charges are a bit expensive but waiting time not long. So i guess its fine.
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I can only consider Dr Sussana Huam average at 6 out of 10. I will not engage her anymore in future for my 2nd baby. IMO, she's not as good and as caring as what many had previously posted and recommended here and in other forums. During our normal antenatal check-ups, we normally arrive early at around 8am and wait 1.5hours to see her. But her check-ups are super quick, only around 5-10 minutes. I find it quite irreasonable but somehow, I kinda dono what to ask her during each visits. So its just: go in, lie down, check BP, scan the tummy, say everything ok, go out, take weight and urine test, pay bill, go home feeling blur. And her charges ain't cheap or average, I can say, on the high side. Imagine 5mins earning RM80 for consultation and RM120 for procedures. zzz No wonder she's carrying a Chanel 2.55 handbag As for my wife giving birth, it was more absurb. My wife experienced waterbag leakage on that morning 7am, but no contraction or pain at all. Just a little water leaked. Initially I did not pay attention to it, cos she was all normal and walking about feeing nothing and it was 10days earlier than the EDD. But when her second leak came at 7.30am, we decided to go to DSH just in case. Upon arrival and checking, my wife was admitted to the labor room at 8am. Dr Sussana came at 9.30am, check my wife's cervix openning and it was only 1cm. My wife insist with her that she wants to go for natural birth. She said ok, but while checking my wife through the vagina, suddenly alot of water came out. Within 5mins, she said my baby's head is pressing against the umbilical cord and his heartbeat is dropping, thus we need to go for emergency c-sect ASAP. The whole scenario was just like inside ER, nurse and doc running here and there, checking this and that. In the end, the Doc brought in some papers, and both of us was left with no choice but to dully sign the operation forms etc. Exactly like TVB. And at 9.45am, my wife was sent upstairs to be given anaesthetic. I asked the nurse if I can go to keep all our bags in the car before entering the operation theatre, she said ok, cos it will take sometime for the drug to come into effect. I went down to the parking lot, kept all the bags in the car, and went back up to change clothes. But I didn't even had the chance to take off my shoes. The nurse told me: Eh, your son already born lah, go downstairs have a lot at him! I was sooooooo STUNNED! The whole process took only 10mins from the minute I left for the car park. After a whole day of hoohah...my wife and I both suspecting that the whole emergency drama was staged. Just a guess. "It was 9.30am in the morning, and as u know, Dr Sussana's patient queue is LONG! and doing the maths, each patient roughly pays RM150-200 for each consultation. My wife opted for natural birth, and that's gonna take alot of time from the Doctor, as she will need to be constantly around the patient to monitor how things are developing. So, who in the world will be so *inappropriate words* to choose to earn only partial of the RM3500 natural birth fee, rather than at least few thousands from attending to patients, whilst getting a higher bonus from an emergency c-sect? If her average attending time to each couple is 10mins, she will lose around 30 visiting patients minimum that day itself. I consulted my other friends and asked online regaring waterbag burst cases. Mostly, it takes around 5-12 hours for the mother to be in labor and deliver naturally after the 1st leakage. That's why both me n wife are suspecting that the sudden breakage of the bag and drop in baby's heartbeat was done on purpose. Total bill in the end was RM8900 for the delivery and 3d2n stay in a single bedded room. And during the last postnatal check-up, Dr Sussana Huam said to my wife: You are doing fine, you don't have to come to see me anymore, good bye! Chop chop, bill come out at RM345, with some antibiotics for the wound.

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I am visiting for Dr.Susanna Huam at Damansara Specialist Hospital.But her queue us quite long.