Dr. Ong Chun Chiang


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Came down with chronic sinusitis and after several visits to the GP visited Dr Ong. He was friendly but you do feel rushed as he's trying to see as many patients as possible in a short period of time the clinic is open in the evenings. First visit, there wasn't much warning and he squirted a numbing spray before the scope, wish there was some warning ahead of time but it happened so fast I was caught off guard. He does explain things a bit and prescribed a strong antibiotic Klacid and Telfast and nasal saline spray. Had a re-occurrence and he suggested after 2 round of antibiotiocs that I have surgery FESS to clear the mucus in the sinuses but I wasn't too thrilled as it would involve nasal packing and having to breathe through my mouth for at least 24 hrs....got a second opinion at a hospital and was told didn't need surgery so deferred surgery but Dr Ong did say it would not be resolved without surgery. Am much better after nasal irrigation and alternative medicine. Glad I didn't opt for the surgery, "minor" or otherwise. It should be the last resort.

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saya pernah pergi klinik ni untuk buat rawatan sakit telinga. doktor kat sini sangat peramah dan bagus. dua kali rawatan sakit dah makin okay. harga agak mahal tapi servis memang puas hati. terbaik!
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I saw Dr Ong recently for a post nasal drip that's been going on for at least a month and after a squirt of numbing spray and sticking the scope up my nose, he told me it was sinusitis and suggested a minor surgery which involve draining some abscess in my sinus and would also cost RM7-8K. I was like shakehead.gif so he prescribed a week's worth of Augmentin (antibiotic, apparently a really strong one), nasal spray and 2 weeks worth of Telfast. Went back the following week, stuck the scope up my nose, took a look around, and again suggested surgery. Again, I was really reluctant (who's to say that it won't come back again after the surgery , etc etc), but we kinda agreed to finish the Telfast and see how it goes from there. I still have some mucus hanging around in my sinuses (I'm about 90% better), I admit, but I guess I'll have to wait and see how it goes. Cost for both visits was almost RM800. He seems like a nice guy (who's first question to me was my language preference), but I dunno if I can take an ENT who doesn't trim his own nose hair seriously