Dr Kursiah Mohd Razali

  • Career :Ophthalmologist

  • Jabatan Oftalmologi, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Star, 5460, Kedah


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My mother undergo eye surgery today at HBI this morning, the doctor is a bit strict. Thank you for the service but please do respect your patient's feeling doctor.

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Staff very friendly. I undergo eye surgery here. Harga memang berpatutan. Doktor and staff treat patients very well. Harga utk cataract surgery only in between Rm700 to Rm1000 for per eyes include the lens and surgery charges. Boleh dapatkan cataract surgery di sini. Trusted hospital and doctors.

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Dr Kursiah Mohd Razali is a member of Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology (MSO), the professional body that represents eye doctors in Malaysia.