Dr. Jaspal Singh Sachdev


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Dr Jaspal is very professional, non judgmental and delivers the message straight to the point. He does not overload you with information, you will need to ask direct questions and ask him to elaborate. But you will feel very safe in his hands and confident with him as your doctor. Very experienced and has good skills.

Reviewer profile

Dr Jaspal is a very experienced and friendly doctor. He took very good care of me throughout my pregnancy and especially during the delivery, which had some complications but which he safely delivered my baby even though it was 3.5 weeks early.

Reviewer profile
Menurut Dr Jaspal Singh, menopaus atau putus haid merupakan proses perubahan semula jadi di dalam badan yang disebabkan oleh perubahan dalam keseimbangan hormon seks badan. Apabila mencapai status tersebut, tahap estrogen akan berkurangan menyebabkan ovari tidak lagi efektif dan berhenti menghasilkan telur setiap bulan.