Dr. Devindran Muniandy


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He is a very friendly doctor and we can see him smilling to all the patients and staff's. He would advice us and let us to make the decision wheter we want what type of delivery. He is the expert of gynaecologists. He is highly recommended doctor. He is very patience and kind in entertaining his patients.
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After I discussed with my husband, we prepared our mood and gave us a chance to challenge ourselves last time. I had almost a week of hormone injection. I had bruises in all my lower abdomen. It was a tough journey. Although it was hard, the wish was there. At last, I underwent egg pick up and embryo transfer. Two weeks later, I did my blood test. I was very anxious. When nurse called me, I had a blank and nearly to faint. But I kept my breath to see Dr. I saw a warm and sweet smile from Dr, I hoped it was good news. Really, Dr told me I was PREGNANT. A sudden joy, let me unbelieve this news. I asked Dr Devindran and the nurses again and again. They knocked their heads and wished me. 

After two weeks from the pregnant news, I came to Loh Guan Lye. It was the scan of sac. I was told by Dr that I had TWIN. What is a wonderful news? The really joy was the first time I heard the heart beats of my babies. It was fast and loud, it really brought me to the Sky. Thank God, He really gives me his hand to have a chance to be Mother.

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The doctor and IVF team members were so helpful, kind and understanding. Dr Devindran suggested at least 3 months off before proceeding to another IVF cycle, just to make sure things had settled down. We didn’t want to wait for too long, so we started another IVF cycle after 4 months. This time, we had 5 eggs and all of them fertilized. We had 4 embryos transferred and this time, “YES”!! it was positive.

We were so happy and excited. Words cannot express the thanks we feel for Dr Devindran and his team for helping us to achieve our dream of becoming parents. We would not have been blessed with such a gorgeous baby girl without your help. Not only have you made our dream come true but you have completed our family.
