Ayu Jelita


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saya try g sini sebab member yang rekemen kan tmpat utk nak muka teruk cam saya ni.Saya pergi pn dia yang tolong bawakan sebb saya mana kenal tempat ni.tempat nya no bad la cuma staff sini kurang sangat senyuman nya.tanya pun cam nak marah je.
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my sis make a face lift, show a dramatic result! she look 15year's younger... & she also do fat transfer.. where dr.yusof moktar do a liposucion where ever u want to reduce fat.. then it's will transfer the fat to the part that you want... my sis do it on her lips (like do botox) & other sis did a fat transfer on her boobs... i love it... 
she take a fat from the stomach, then transfer it to her boobie & butt... she look so sexy.... & they do fillers on Frown Furrows... 

* fat transfer RM2000  
* filler RM700  
* face life RM2000  

this doc also do a nose job... u can always ask & go for free consultant... 
