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I think I am the lucky one.. for this round confinement I got a different confinement lady to help me during confinement month because Lian Jie (my ex confinement lady) was booked by someone else 2 months in a row (I already called her the minutes I tested positive with the pregnancy test).. so too bad I couldn't get her to help me this time.. I always keep an eyes and asking friends about their confinement lady.. if their comments is good then I will ask the contact to keep for future use.. either myself or for my friends who needed.. so after I get to know Lian Jie cannot help me this round.. immediately I called Ah Tai Auntie.. who is used by my ex colleague Jamie.. and she has good comments about her.. and Ah Tai Auntie is free and can accept my job (sure la.. I call when i only 4 weeks pregnant.. because I know that good confinement lady is like a hot plate.. very fast get booked by others).. I paid the deposit to her then.. I am really blessed with having good helper for both of my confinement.. Ah Tai auntie was great too.. specially on her cooking.. she has many many variety and it is so yummy.. I will just eat all the food she cook for me.. my eating schedule goes like this.. 6am herbal life (auntie will blend it and bring to me on my bed while i still breastfeeding my baby) 8am breakfast (many variety yellow wine mee suah, fried meehoon, kuah teoh soup etc) 9am auntie will bath baby then massage baby too 10am snack (black sesame drink or biscuit auntie will make the drink for me too) 12pm lunch 1pm clean body/sponge bath (lap lap body with herbs water auntie will bring from downstairs to my toilet) 2pm fruits (auntie cut and bring to me after her lunch) 4pm tong shui (red bean soup and etc) 4pm/5pm bath baby 6pm dinner 7pm cleaning/sponge bath 2nd time (lap lap body) 9pm drink poo pin/tonic soup (chicken essence every alternate day and tong kwui/bao sheng soup every alternate day too) this start from 10 days onwards 11pm/12pm herbal life again 3am/4am herbal life or black sesame drinks (during or after breastfeed) then at night i will wake up if i hear baby cry.. if not auntie will wake me up to breastfeed baby.. she is quite sensitive to baby sound too.. little bit she will wake up to check the baby too.. while I breastfeed auntie to back to sleep first.. once I finished feed.. then auntie will wake up and help me burp the baby then I will pump milk and go toilet then back to sleep.. About Cleanliness Auntie is very clean too.. she will wipes & clean baby's buttock every time change diaper.. she use water and cotton wool to wash baby buttock every time she poo poo.. she requested us to buy more alcohol swaps to clean baby's umbilical cord... she change baby's clothes even there is little bit milk vomit on the clothes.. she clean the kitchen every time after she cooked.. but about whether she help on some basic cleaning for house or not I am not sure.. as this round I have maid who help on these tasks.. About baby care aunties is very experience.. she is doing confinement for almost 11 years.. she is very good at baby care, bath, burp, etc.. she will chit chat with baby too.. then conversation is quite funny sometimes.. and she doesn't criticise or scold baby.. instead she said sorry baby.. okay okay baby!!! About Character/personality she is more straight forward than my ex confinement lady.. she will voice out what she need which can help to smooth her job.. for example: she requested to bring the water and some food to be place upstairs so she don't need to keep running up and down.. (she is smarter!!) she is quite friendly too.. she chit chat with me a lot.. she is very hardworking.. as she cooked many different things for me.. she did not watch TV at all because we didn't watch too.. or i should said she did not request that she want to watch TV.. only watch together with us on Sunday night she doesn't chit chat on phones too.. only answer her phone (most is enquiry for her services).. she read whatever old newspaper we have at home.. one thing i like about her is.. she did not said much on breastfeeding or bottle feed or formula feeding.. which this help me through as she did not give me pressure on the baby hunger for the first few days.. she instead will ask me how when i am not available (eg: i am having bath and baby is hungry.. she will ask me to wait for me to feed directly or to warm up my Expressed Breast Milk (EBM) or to make formula milk (when i dont have stock for EBM yet). About her cooking absolutely tasty and many variety.. you can see some photo of her cooking below and more at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150346433856296.341200.659646295&type=1 I did not take photo of every meal... sometimes i forgot coz i am too hungry!!! she double boiled chicken essense for me every alternate days since 10th days onwards.. then althernate day for tonic soup (bao sheng/Dang Kui).. afternoon she will make me red bean soup which is good for reducing the water retention.. and she cooked some other Tong Shui for me too... she also cook for my hubby, maid and herself separately.. We extended her services for confinement.. until her next job starts.. yesterday was the last day she with me... I feel so sad she is leaving.. I cried when she is to go.. and she know I am going to cry.. and she make the leaving short and brief.. I am very thankful for her help during these days.. and I am great that I have her to help me this time too!!!
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She was a friend's CL, also quite good, takes good care of the baby and can cook very well but not available. Language spoken: Cantonese, Mandarin Fees: RM3100