Astro ALC Mid Valley


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astro adalah siaran tv yang berbayar. jd kenapa iklan terlalu banyak dan drama-drama kerap sangat ulang-ulang?? saya pelanggan astro tapi hanya siaran tv3 dan tv9 je yg saya kerap tonton. sebab astro punya rancangan saya dah boleh faham. very poor in customer service !

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harga bayar bulanan mahal. cerita selalu ulang yang sama. saya tak suka tengok cerita ulang2 banyak kali. channel yang best kena bayar harga lain pulak. astro sangat jarang bagi penghargaan kepada pelanggan mereka.

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my favorite channel, one hd n hbo. but my mother changes to astro enjoi since the prices went up. well, not that bad since we still got to watch tara hd, maya hd n the best thing is that its free. no need to pay monthly. problem settled then for my mom.

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too many repetition.. got irritated with it.. was planning to subscribe the internet but after a quick refresh i changed my decision..

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used to be a good subscriber.. but then the prices went up and advertisements became more.. i got irritated.. then another thing was they began to repeat movies.. 5-7 movies only per month.. the movies will repeat 24/7.. no matter how good the movie is, you wont watch more than twice right?

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used to be my fav hobby to watch astro.. new movies and series.. but now, too many advertisements and always repeating the shows.. it got boring.. sometimes its worth it but sometimes its not..
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Many of my friends switch Astro to other internet-based programme ( like TV Box). I think Astro going to made loss in the future
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Program tv yang sesuai untuk semua peringkat. Tapi ada sesetengah program tv yang banyak kali diulang lagi dan lagi. Mungkin kos untuk melanggan ASTRO perlu kurangkan sikit. 