99 speedmart SBH Bandar Sierra


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Blh Tanya kat tun teja ada kerja kosong tak,klu umur

47 blh kerja tak,sbb saya pernah kerja 99 speedmart

Klang utama klang

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I'm purchase new SIM card at 99 speedmart and the cashier refused to do registration due to Manager not available. I paid for the sim, leave the IC and my contact number at cashier counter and communicate with the manager on duty. Advise them to do the registration to activate the sim card and give me a call to return back the IC to me. Manager and the cashier failed to do that. Very poor service. Hope you can give training to all your cashier's to do sim card registration by them self.

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Monday March 21 2022 :

Pekerja yang cuai patut dipecat, double scan barang. balik rumah baru perasan, bukan ada kenderaan klw nak pgi kedai balik sama juga bazir duit. Sorry la klw bunyi mcm ndk professional tpi bodoh la pekerja tu. Aku beli Mayonnaise 1 jak, dia double scan dua. Harap manager nmpk la ni.

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Cara kerja kt kaunter tak sistematik.. customer letak brg atas meja.. cashier scan tp x trus masuk plstik. Kemungkinan utk double scan utk 1 brg.. tinggi! Dn tgh hr ni, sy terkena. Beli hnya 1 axion tp scan 2x. Xprsan. Balik rumah, tgk resit.. bru prsan. X blh nk trus check masa tu jgk sbb ank buat perangai.. ptg nti akn tuntut balik. Hrp2 phk SM99 trma.

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kualiti produk terjaga dan dalam keadaan baik

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Staff here was good. My wife forgot to take her tissue after paying but only knowing it later. Next day we went to claim with the receipt, we are really happy to claim it back. The staffs there was good!.

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harga boleh kira murah , tapi minyak paket selalu habis .

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Adakah Jennifer Chee @ kifo berkerja 99speedmart langkon?
