马来西亚柔佛沙威文青龙艺龙狮团 Amat
- Rank 20 of 201
登州高峰龙狮文化体育会,是支由本地一群热爱中华文化的青少年们所组织而成的新团体。本会成立此会的宗旨在于培育更多青少年延续华人的传统文化,让这传统,得以流传千年。本会也秉持着由总教练-郑萃吉师尊所提倡的“尊师重道,敬老尊贤” 的礼仪, 让习武之人要懂得尊重师长与晚辈,饮水思源的道理。
高峰,对于热爱龙狮之人来说,并不陌生;相反地,还有一种熟悉感。因为,不仅仅是高峰文化体育会在传承着中华文化的精髓,全马遍布东西南北的各个龙狮/文化团体,都在秉持着把华人的文化发扬到世界各地。 登州高峰龙狮文化体育会有幸与登州--华人稀少的地方林立,还有待登州各界人士的支持与鼓励。
Terengganu Gao Feng Lion& Dragon Dance Athletic Association is officially registered on 4 November 2013. All members is the ex-students from Lion and Dragon Dance Team Smk Chung Hwa Wei Sin, Kuala Terengganu. We built this association is to continue our chinese traditional culture which had over than 50 years history. Also, we no forget for our junior which still in Lion& Dragon Dance team Smk CHWS. We will have practice every Friday in our school hall to improve ourself base on our physical and mental to make sure we can be better both performance and competition.
Currently we are to looking for new members to join with us to enjoy dragon and lion dance's life without religion and gender specification.
由于尚在物色新的练习地点,本会暂定练习场所位于瓜登中华维新中学礼堂 ,练习时间定于每逢周一及周四, 下午7时30分至晚间10点正。
Currently we are to looking for new members to join with us to enjoy dragon and lion dance's life without religion and gender specification. Please take note that our practice time will be at night time and transportation will not included during practice time.Our practice will be held in every Monday and Thursday at 7.30p.m. until 10p.m. Welcome to join us !