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Yapsifu TCM Treatments

Reviewer profile

It is heartening to know that yapsifu now have set-up a facebook page for his patients and ex-patients to share their experiences with members of the public. I was an ex-patient of his way back in 2013 after injuring myself in the chest as a result from a bad fall. I was 53 years old then.

This was the second time I had a similar injury, the first chest injury took me about 6 to 8 months for full recovery through self-medication and treatment. No wanting to endure a lengthy period for recovery this second time around, I have then decided to seek help. I was then recommended to yapsifu.

Here, I wish to share my single consultation visit experience to his clinic. His diagnostic approach via a series of questions of how and when I sustained the injury was quite an eye opener for me. Thereafter, I was served with a herbal concoction to drink and was also given a bottle of tonic to be consumed over a period of a week upon my leaving his clinic.

Shortly after consuming the herbal concoction on my way home, I felt a rather strange tinkling sensation on those parts of my body where I have previously sustained injuries, mainly through sports – a flashback feeling and reminder of all those injuries sustained over the years. After taking the bottle of tonic as prescribed, my full recovery phase was shortened to slightly more than 2 months.

Lastly, I wish to thank yapsifu for my speedy recovery despite my age and I highly recommend him to those of you wanting to clear off your injuries, regardless whether present or past injuries.

Reviewer profile

Effective, trustworthy and patient! Thank you so much! Thumbs up!
