Women’s Development Collective (WDC) business logo picture

Women’s Development Collective (WDC)

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WDC, founded on Jan. 1, 1987, is a group of women seeking friendship and solidarity with women everywhere. WDC is committed to the development of the women’s perspective and action for change, and seeks to act with both women and men to promote the full participation of women in Malaysian society. The Collective aims to: support women’s struggles for livelihood, justice, equality and peace; strengthen links among women and with women’s groups in Malaysia and abroad; and to work together towards a more just, more free and more equal society. The Collective also seeks to campaign for human rights, and to monitor the violations of those rights, especially in relation to women in Malaysia. It networks with local human rights organizations and provides legal and moral support to the families of political detainees.

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The organization was actively involved in the campaign against ISA (Internal Security Act) detentions during the mass arrests in 1987 and, together with 15 other organizations, it formed the Support Group for ISA Detainees (see separate entry). After the detainees from Operation Lalang were released, WDC assisted in the formation of Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) (Voice of the People) to continue the campaign against human rights violations. WDC runs training seminars, workshops, symposiums, forums and talks to promote deeper understanding of the issues and to develop leadership skills; undertakes consultancy for developmental groups; conducts participatory research on such issues as gender relations and women’s participation in society; maintains linkages with national and international women’s organizations; publishes booklets and information leaflets; and operates a resource centre.

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