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Venture Sense

Claim business

Venture Sense started because the founders are crazy !
They are a crazy group of like minded students, that believe their action will shape and change the future. They strongly believe in the notion that everyone has infinite possibilities capabilities and have the potential to revolutionize the world. However, many will not reach their full potential because the environment does not permit them to. Hence, we created a solution, a platform for everyone to explore and reach their potential. The question now remains, do you want to change the world ? Do you want to create infinite possibilities with us?


Cultivating and empowering aspiring leaders through progressive and experiential training.

1) Transforming future leaders to becomes successful innovators and pioneers that revolutionize their respective industries.


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Our objectives


1) Creating a network of like-minded entrepreneurs and leaders to strive in the competitive environment.

2) A developmental platform for students and graduates to build their passion into an enterprise, as we aim to reduce graduate unemployment rate through entrepreneurship

3) Encourage aspiring leaders to take up challenges and explore beyond their limits. We hope that one day we could also extend this to people of the rural area, to help eradicate poverty.

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