Tadika Gadong Perdana business logo picture

Tadika Gadong Perdana

Claim business
Tadika Gadong Perdana is registered with Ministry of Education under the category of pre-school. Visit them to learn more about Tadika Gadong Perdana.
Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Environment
  • Value of Money
  • Availability

If you are looking for a high quality Kindergarten for you kids, Tadika Gadong Perdana should be in your number 1 list.

Kids are educated to be good manners, and build their passion toward learning and reading that helps to develop a better personality in their childhoods.

I strongly believed that a kid that have good behavior and urge to learn more will be the kid who grow up to be successful and independent in their future.

Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Environment
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
Tadika Gadong Perdana adalah tadika swasta yang sudah berdaftar dengan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.