Serene Aesthetics Paradigm Mall business logo picture

Serene Aesthetics Paradigm Mall

Claim business

With beauty treatments and slimming therapies making up the core of our services, Serene Aesthetics also provides the following range of services in our pursuit of becoming a convenient one-stop sanctuary for products and services related to the improvement of beauty and health. We are also well known for our 

  • invigorating and refreshing spa treatments
  • rejuvenating body massage therapies
  • eyebrow shaping, manicure, make-up and a host of other related services

In line with the Serene Aesthetics principle of giving only the best, our well-trained therapists and consultants take extra effort to ensure that every course or programme is tailor made to the unique skin type of our valued customers for maximum results.

Our loyal and growing clientele is testament to the quality and effectiveness of our treatment procedures and this is what drives us to continue creating beautiful results each day in our quest to fulfill our promise - The Making of a Beautiful You.

Service /Price Details

Product and price details are shown in image

Reviewer profile
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i have attended first trial facial at the price of RM26 during the roadshow at Paradigm mall recently. I am glad to see the result on my first try, the beautifician is not that kind of hard selling person. it gives me a good feeling to return for next visit.
Reviewer profile
  • Experienced
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
我一開始選擇去到Serene Aesthetics,因為他們提供Hydrafacial, 它是個全新的美容技術,它可以分解臉上的毒素,並采用清水來修復肌膚,而把可能在臉上造成傷害降到最低。在作出了第一次的嘗試後,我知曉它會與其他的美容一樣,在臉部造成少許的紅腫,他們也告知我會在兩至三天內平復,我也相信了。我在這次的美容上附上RM138。一個星期過去了,我臉上的紅腫不但沒消退,反之起了更多的粉刺/青春痘。我馬上在我臉上采取了一連串的補救行動(自家產品)後,有了明顯的改進,只留下少許的疤痕。在進行第二次的美容時,美容師繼續擠壓我的臉之後,同樣的事情又發生了。在進行第三次的美容時,他們換了前兩次的美容師,Shirley,據他們透露她被遷移到了別的分行,而新的美容師比Shirley下手更重,她甚至擠壓到我的淚水都出來了,我才把她叫停。然而,現在在我臉上的紅腫已經徹底地打擊了我的自信。我每天在清洗我的臉部,都会疼痛,他對我的臉部已帶來一定的傷害。這是我在這麼多年來沒在其他的美容店體會到的!!