Rumah Shalom business logo picture

Rumah Shalom

Claim business

We are a foster home for underprivileged children who come from families with difficult backgrounds. It is founded in 1997 by several concerned individuals with the aim to provide shelter, care and education for the underprivileged children so that they can grow up to be responsible citizens.

It is Rumah Shalom’s vision to help the children achieve a basic education and develop moral values in them. In addition, the home also provides a homely and comfortable environment for the children to grow and live.

Service /Price Details

Our objectives

  • To provide a loving, caring and homely environment for children from broken homes, those who are poor and need love, care and shelter.
  • To provide a sense of self-worth for the children to lead productive lives.
  • To provide basic educational skills for those who are academically weak.
  • To instil moral values and teach the children to become responsible citizens.
  • To give them a new hope in life and to restore the broken relationship with God.

To date, they have 22 children from 7 to 19 years old under their care.


Our needs

The shelter consists of two homes, one for boys and girls and is supported by four members of staff.

Monthly expenses: RM25,000

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