Integrated Development for Eco-friendly and Approp
- Rank 415 of 1497
REDEEMS was born out of the realization and the needs for a native tribe, the Bisingai of the Bidayuh community in Sarawak, Malaysia, to be as progressive as other communities to face the onslaught of breakneck changes in this modern globalized world, lest they be thrown out of the bandwagon of change and be trampled upon.
Thus it is an experimental model of a community based organization (CBO), non governmental organization (NGO) and a non-profit organization (NPO) with a mission to make the community to be actively involved in and contribute to their own development towards its vision for an orderly, disciplined and progressive society.
REDEEMS endeavour to achieve this mission and vision by developing a strong management structure, process and procedure to mobilize the community to do its community projects Thus.
REDEEMS is a racing track and a vehicle for the community to join in the race for progress a small regional body and believe that it need to be more focused, bite only what it can chew. it will always seek to learn from and cooperate with others for continuous improvement to serve the community better. It is striving to seek all avenues to compliment all other