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Pet Haven Veterinary Clinic

Reviewer profile
i love this clinic. dr sam and dr hoe are vets who really care about their charges. they're considerate, professional and extremely competent. i first met them when i rescued a mama cat and 3 kittens. i brought them for a check up and their first round of injections. i ended up keeping one of the kittens, who i brought in again for her additional booster shots. i'm a bit of a talker, and mentioned my other 3 cats when i was in. for every subsequent visit, dr sam and dr hoe asked after all my cats by name, despite not having met them. they really pay attention and they are very, very good. can't recommend them highly enough.
Reviewer profile
very professional, caring, passionate vet with extraordinary follow-up service. worth the hassle travelling all the way there. advisable to make an appointment prior to the visit to avoid any disappointment as both dr. hoe and dr. sam could be away for house call. .