Nathan's Skin, Hair & Laser Centre

  • Career :Dermatologist

  • Nombor Telefon : +603-22840557

  • Fax : +603-22840757

  • Nathan Skin - Laser Centre & Hair Transplant Clinic, Menara Uoa Bangsar, 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, Bangsar, 59000, Kuala Lumpur


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I have had dandruff for the past one year and went to many saloons for treatment but to no avail. One visit to Dr Ruban and ta-daaa!! My problem finally solved!!

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Very friendly and professional doctor. Dato Dr Nathan was very patient in explaining the condition of my skin. He also gave assurance to my daughter who recently had a bit of a break out. Very calm and comforting.
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Appointment' is a word that has no meaning here.
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Dr Ruban is lovely but can't say the same of the people who man the reception desk. They were SO rude I very nearly cancelled my appointment.
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Klinik Dr Nathan..Klinik pakar kulit..masa first pergi tu dah prepare dah mental...huihiuuuu..sebabnya da tau kos dia mmg mahal..first pergi kena dalam RM 490..pastu zila mmg ada follow up..each time pergi kos dalam RM 300 hingga RM 400 lebih..Doktor yg treat zila tu Dr. Ruben..anak kepada Dr. Nathan..Dr Ruben is very nice doctor..hihihi..zila ckp kat dia..Dr..i am going to married soon, in december..then he mentioned aiyooo..u should come earlier..what i can do for u in two weeks. the treatment will take 6 months to really cure.but Dr tu kata..I will give u the best medicine..n i want to see u again next week... Alhamdulillah masa mggu first makan ubat Dr Ruben tu..ada nampk perubahan..sempat la 3 kali pergi sebelum kawen..masa nak kawen tu..jerawat tgal kesan2 and 2, 3 biji..da seteruk dulu..Alhamdulillah.. Oh yerr..ubat yang bagus tu sebenarnye ada pantang larang..spjang tempoh ambik ubat Dr. Ruben tu..kite xboleh tu akan cacat kalau still pregnant...kna gugurka.takut kan..agak takut..tapi tu untuk orang yg da kawen la...hihihi..kalau anak dara xde masalah..tapi klinik tu ada provide pill perancang nak avoid pregnant..ubat jerawat tu juga menyebabkan kulit n bibir that Dr Ruben provide kan krim utk bibir sekali.. Tapi zila dah xambik lagi ubat tu..Suami xbgi..lagipon memang bahaya if zila pregnant walau pon ada pill perancang..takutkn kalau kesan sampingan. Kalau anda tercari2 skin specialist yang bagus.zila suggestkan Klinik Nathan..stop try ubat2 yang ntah apa2..sma juga duit habis membazir..kalau jmpe pakar..mahal pon ada kesan yg positif dengan izin ALLAH, insyaallah.. N satu lagi..bersyukurlah dengan warna kulit anda seadanye..insaf jap zila..bila Dr Ruben tnya kenape kulit zila jd macm ni..zila ckp zila guna whitening product..trus Dr ckp..u..silly girl..dont use any whitening can harm ur skin..they are only money profit business..u dont know what they put inside it.. Tekad long as kulit more whitening..cuma skarang zila ambik baru nak try supplemen y vitamin utk kulit..pakai2 kat muka xnak dahh..pencuci muka pon zila guna yg Dr Ruben suggest..skarang brand Eucerin..(ntah betul ke tidak ejaan tu)huhuhu....
Reviewer profile
Previously I consulted Dr.Nathan from Bangsar, quite an experienced doctor, it cost me almost rm400 for full checkup. U can try to google for Dr.Nathan skin clinic and u will get the contact and location.
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The receptionist said they didnt have any record of my appointment eventhough I received an email confirming the same. They then told me to call the clinic rather than communicate via the website/email.
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The nurses warned me that I have to wait and wait to see Dato Nathan when I made the appointment in the morning.Now it is 4pm and I am still waiting to see him.