Dr Badrul Hisham Yeap @ Yeap Beng Hoe


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Had colon surgery done by dr badrul. He appeared to be over-confident with too much self-praise. My cancer recurred and i went to see another surgeon. He should have told me he is a paediatric surgeon and not an adult surgeon. Unbelievable that island hospital can misinform the patients, describing him as a general surgeon. Future potential patients pls be aware. This is not right at all

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Dokter Badrul Yeap Beng Hoe ini seorang Dokter Arrogant, tidak Sopan terhadap Patient. Berpendidikkan Tinggi tapi tidak ada Character baik, tidak ber-Moral, Pemarah.

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Sebagai seorang Dokter yang sangat Sombong, Arrogant, Pemarah , tidak dapat bicara sopan dengan Patient. Saya tidak akan datang ke Dokter Badrul Yeap Beng Hoe lagi.

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I am one of Board of Director in Multi National Company in Indonesia.

I would like to share my great experience from my surgery that Dr Badrul done to me yesterday evening. Allow me to speak in Bahasa..since I am Indonesian who flew to Penang to have Dr Badrul service.

Saya punya teriod problem dan harus di operasi. Operasi bisa saja dilakukan di Indonesia. Tapi saya memilih Dokter yang di rekomendasikan oleh Dr Malik Mumtaz (dokter saya sudah bertahun-tahun). Saya percaya Dr Malik akan memilih yang terbaik buat saya.

Keadaan Covid seperti sekarang membuat budget berkali lipat dan proses perjalanan semakin ribet. Karena selain harus melakukan 14 hari karantina di rumah sakit, saya juga harus melewati proses permintaan izin pemerintah dll yang tentunya sangat dibantu oleh pihak Island Hospital.

Semua saya lakukan dengan sepenuh hati..saya ditemani suami..dan semua yang kami lakukan sampai saat ini tidak sia-sia.

We have the right Doctor..so grateful that we have Dr Badrul..sangat bersyukur yang melakukan operasi saya kemaren sore Dr Badrul. Operasi Alhamdulillah berjalan lancar..lebih kurang 1 jam..dan saya Alhamdulilah pagi ini sudah bisa beraktifitas meskipun tetap masih dirumah sakit. I am feeling much better..I am feeling bleesed to know Dr Badrul..

Setiap hari selalu memberikan aura positive..not just treated me like one of his patient, but also as his friend..he also treated by husband like his friend too.

Highly highly recommended Doctor for both his expertist/skills and his attitude.

Dr Badrul….Many thanks for all your service, kindness and friendship…God Bless You..

Stay Healthy and Stay Happy so you can help many more people

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He is a patience and caring good doctor. He is really concern of the patient very much. However the most importantly is he is really a professional and experienced surgeon. He even trying to comfort me to calm my anxiety when I get to know I will have surgery.

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We are writing to express our gratitude and appreciation towards Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap BH who had rescued our son (5 years old),

My son been complained of stomachache since 19.01.2020 and we sent him to a private hospital in Butterworth on 20.01.2020 for further examination. They had performed ultrasound and X-Ray on my son and diagnosed as “Intussusception”, but we been informed that the hospital in Butterworth unable to perform the procedure/surgery due to lack of facility and expertise to conduct the procedure for a small child. Thus the pediatric had written a letter and referred to ISLAND HOSPITAL for the Intussusception Procedure.

On the same date, we had rushed our son to Island Hospital to meet Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap. We arrived at 12.45pm due to the delay in the Butterworth Hospital. We spent hald an hour on registration and been sent to Emergency and Accidental Department to wait for Dr. Badrul Hisham.

After a while, Dr.Badrul Hisham came to check on our son, and he instructed to perform second time ultrasound on our son, and yet the ultrasound unable to ascertain that it was 100% due to Intussusception. Thus, Dr. Badrul Hisham advised us to perform a CT Scan for further detail examination to diagnose the cause of the acute pain on the stomach. His decision had saved our son’s life, as the real cause behind the pain was due to the appendicitis and not intussusception.

Though, his schedule was fully booked and unable to slot in for an appendicitis surgery on the same day. We had conveyed our concern over the matter as our son kept complained of unbearable pain. Lastly, Dr. Badrul Hisham managed to arrange a surgery around 12.00 midnight for our son. He had spent whole day in operation theatre with long queue of patients, but he still willing to slot in our son for the surgery on same day.

We had waited for nearly 2 hours and we were so glad when Dr. Badrul Hisham appeared to us and informed us the surgery was successful. He also informed us the condition of the appendicitis had deteriorated and had burst before the surgery was conducted, he had cleared all the pus to prevent the pus from spreading to other organs and causing infection.

What we can say more than a thank you with tears. Our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap as he had rescued our son’s life. Dr. Badrul Hisham, you are always the hero in our family.

Thank you Dr. Badrul Hisham Yeap , and please stay safe.

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I have great confidence in him,he is simply the best for me.I drive all the way 2 hours to see him,he was so busy and still he save me,thank you....

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Dokter badrul is the best
