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Max Family Society Malaysia

Claim business

Max Family Society Malaysia (Max Family) is a registered patient support group for blood and rare cancers.

We believe cancer treatment involves more than routine medical care. Through our multifaceted support, we embrace each individual in the community to ensure cancer journey is never a lonely path. 

It was started by 10 courageous Chronic Myeloid Leukemia patients and caregivers in 2006 with the support of The Max Foundation. 
Today Max Family is empowered by cancer patients, caregivers, healthcare providers and volunteers. 

Cancer touches everyone. Our future together.

1. Informational & Emotional Support (Let's Sama-Sama Patient- Doctor Gathering):
The patient gatherings increase patient understanding about their disease and treatment goals. They can then understand the real reasons to be compliant with their treatment, in turn leading to optimum treatment outcomes. Living testimonials are the primary source of emotional support, as they are more identifiable to the patients. Sharing and listening to each other’s experiences help patients realize that they are not alone.

2. Financial Support (Projek Sambung Sekolah): 
We believe the children shouldn't be denied school education due to any circumstances, including when their parents are being affected by blood cancer. We want to do our bits to fight for their equal opportunities. This effort is made possible by financial support from voluntary donors.

3. Address Misconceptions about Cancer (Public Awareness Campaign): 
Although medical treatment has advanced, cancer survivors and their families are still facing great stress: education opportunities, job seeking, marriage, socializing, and fear of recurrence.

Fear of cancer is ingrained in everyone in society. People are fearful because they are unfamiliar with the diseases leading to ignorance, stereotyping and discrimination.

Together we need to change the public mindset to address guilt, shame, and fear felt by the cancer survivors and the people around them.


Service /Price Details


Public Bank Berhad

Account no: 3810519704 to Persatuan Keluarga Max Malaysia

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