Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah business logo picture

Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah

Reviewer profile
Overall services were good and medical staff committed with their job performance. Special mentioned the staff at the emergency Department ..Red, Yellow and Blue zones were focus and diligent. Generally customer services counters were also very courteous , polite and helpful. Medical attention by medical staff at the various wards were very well. Management of electricity needs improvement. Lights at the parapets, covered walkways from the physiotherapy clinic to the mortuary, from front entrance to ambulance parking were not switch off even at 9am. Switching them off say by 7am daily will safe money. The security guards need attention on job description and performance. May be too many of them .
Reviewer profile
Good job HTARR. Perkhidmatan yang semakin memuaskan. Kepakaran serta dedikasi para doktor serta jururawat yang tidak dapat disangkal. Fasiliti dan sistem masih perlu ditambahbaik dari semasa ke semasa.