GDEX Pontian business logo picture

GDEX Pontian

Claim business

Established in 1997, GD Express (GDEX) has grown steadily spanning over 150 stations in Malaysia and Singapore. GDEX is listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia with 2 main operating segments, namely, Express Delivery and Logistics.

Service /Price Details

The Company's segments are Express delivery, Logistics and Property Investment. Its domestic express carrier services include next day delivery service, same day delivery service (SDD), diplomatic service, bulk service, reverse charge service, delivery order return service, late pick-up and early deliveries. Its international express carrier services include international delivery service and freight service. Its logistics services include warehousing and distribution, temperature control rooms, packing and customs clearance

Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

Hi gdex, please alert dgn barang costumer,barang masih belum sampai lagi ni? Kalau 2 3 ringgit xpa,ni mahal,please la buat kerja btol2 . Nk contact pun susah sngat,xdpat2 nk call,xdiangkat pula,barang pula unsuccessful,apani?da masuk tahun baru masih xterima barang.

Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

Service very poor.. barang kalau smpi tak pernah deliver sampai kerumah.. mesti kena pick sendiri dekat hub.. pemalas
