Ecoteer Responsible Travel business logo picture

Ecoteer Responsible Travel

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As our name suggests we are a Responsible Travel Company, or at least a travel company that aspires to be as responsible as possible. Responsible Tourism to us means that we look after the environment, people, culture, our staff, our accounts and of course our tourists. In general being responsible means we provide as many benefits as possible to all parties.

Service /Price Details

We provide opportunities for volunteers to volunteer in projects ranging from animal conservation, teaching English and community development projects. Our volunteering programmes are focused towards short term volunteering which is about one week to three month projects. Through volunteering, it is an excellent way to travel and experience new cultures abroad while doing something that benefits the local environment and the community.

For Volunteers

When you become an Ecoteer volunteer member we provide you with the chance to find volunteer work and job opportunities on a shoe string and if you do need to pay any money to the project you will personally give the money to the project leader! Therefore you know all of the money you give goes 100% to the project!

When you become an Ecoteer volunteer member your account will be activated within two days and then you will be given your own Ecoteer volunteer page. On the page you will be able to contact all the ecoteer volunteer projects, have full access to our forums, be able to see the ratings for each volunteer project (Only ecoteer volunteer members can vote) and get updates direct from Ecoteer.

Benefits include:-

  • Your own personal Ecoteer page where you can :-
  • Contact project leaders so you can organise your low cost volunteer work or job opportunities;
  • Take advantage of the great deals with Ecoteers partners – Go-sim and World Nomads;
  • Full access to the Ecoteer forums – talk to project leaders, hear what other volunteers have said about different projects, get tips from volunteers or just talk to other ecoteer members;
  • The chance to advertise yourself as a volunteer on our volunteering forums which only members can use;
  • Feel good factor that you are helping benefit people all over the world.
Start share your experience with Ecoteer Responsible Travel today!