East & South East Asia and Oceania Region (ESEAOR) business logo picture

East & South East Asia and Oceania Region (ESEAOR)

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Who are we

  • The East & South East Asia and Oceania Region (ESEAOR), with a population of approximately 2 billion, is the largest of IPPF’s six regions. Member Associations are in 22 countries and are working with four national SRH non-governmental organisations.
  • Extremely diverse in population size and distribution, geography, socio-economic development, political and legal climate, religious and linguistic profiles and reproductive and sexual health status.
  • Regional Office based in Kuala Lumpur. Two field offices in Fiji and Lao PDR.


Our vision

IPPF envisages a world in which every woman, man and young person has access to the information and services they need; in which sexuality is recognized both as a natural and precious aspect of life and as a fundamental human right; a world in which choices are fully respected and where stigma and discrimination have no place.


Our mission

IPPF aims to improve the quality of life of individuals by campaigning for sexual and reproductive health and rights through advocacy and services, especially for poor and vulnerable people

  • We defend the right of all young people to enjoy their sexual lives free from ill-health, unwanted pregnancy, violence and discrimination
  • We support a woman’s right to choose or terminate her pregnancy legally and safely
  • We strive to eliminate sexually transmitted infections and to eradicate HIV and AIDS


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Our objectives

We aim to enable all women, children and men, regardless of who they are or where they live, improve their health status and quality of life including meeting their reproductive and sexual health needs.

Over the years ESEAOR has increasingly focused on expanding access to the poor and marginalized, and disadvantaged and vulnerable groups and on adolescents and young people.


Our core values

  • IPPF believes that sexual and reproductive rights should be guaranteed for everyone because they are internationally recognized basic human rights
  • We are committed to gender equality, and to eliminating the discrimination which threatens individual well-being and leads to the widespread violation of health and human rights, particularly those of young women
  • We value diversity and especially emphasize the participation of young people and people living with HIV and AIDS in our governance and in our programs
  • We consider the spirit of voluntarism to be central to achieving our mandate and advancing our cause
  • We are committed to working in partnership with communities, governments, other organizations and donors
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