Dr. Suriati Akmal Mahari business logo picture

Dr. Suriati Akmal Mahari

Reviewer profile

Doc suria helped me with my first and second.. senang nego dgn doc suria sbb i like to induce.. sbb xsuka the idea nk bersalin tp kat luar (ie kat opus or rumah or mall).. doc bg tp dia tgk dlu bg due betul2.. Alhamdulillah boh my babies ikot date yg i nak.. hehe.. tp since dia dah fames sgt since 2016 nk jumpa dia lama sbb always bertubi org dtg.. doc jahit bagus spi nurse kk tercari bekas jahit.. luv u doc..

Reviewer profile

My 1st to 5th child dengan Dr Suriati..Dia mmg the best!
