Dr Shanthi Palaniappan


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Amazing dr. Dedicated. Came in with some pain, In less than 12 hrs completed all the test and manage to diagnose the problem and started the treatment. Adding to that, she too understands the emotional stress the family going through so she kept the family updated with the results and progress

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Dr. Shanti is terrific and awesome IBD specialist. From her excellent treatment, curiosity, investigative mind and ability to connect, you know where you stand immediately and what next steps look like. Attention doctors if you want a masterclass in watching a doctor bring medical knowledge and build rapport so that message is heard by patient and therefore delivered.

I have seen many Dr's regarding my diagnosis issues but they couldn't diagnose me for many years that I have gone through suffering and I was recommend by my best friend to see Dr Shanthi. She able to diagnosed me and willing to spend her time to listen my agony pain, help me to pull through my sufferings and treated me immediately. Am so grateful to have her as my doctor. Dr Shanti is the best doctor in town. Her nurse is very helpful, caring and kind.

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The best IBD specialist in town that I ever met. Dr. Shanti is very knowledgeable and expert in handling IBD. When I was sick, I meet many doctors to diagnose what going on inside me but all of them fail. Everything change when I meet Dr. Shanti. She gives me hope, and she successfully diagnoses me and treats my Crohn's Diseases. Strongly recommended.

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Menurut Dr Shanthi, kesedaran terhadap kanser kolorektal dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia masih rendah kerana kurang pendedahan kepentingan pemeriksaan awal berbanding kebanyakan jenis kanser lain. Pemeriksaan menerusi kolonoskopi dapat mengesan kehadiran polip dan selalunya kesemua polip yang ditemui akan dibuang ketika prosedur tersebut bagi mengurangkan peratusan berlakunya kanser kolorektal.