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Dr Nazrul Neezam Nordin

Reviewer profile
Menurut Dr Nazrul Neezam, rotavirus bukanlah satu penyakit bermusim, malah berlaku sepanjang masa dan antara penyakit yang biasa berlaku dalam kalangan kanak-kanak. Katanya lagi, jika dilihat pada situasi di negara ini, rotavirus jarang membawa maut tetapi di sesetengah negara membangun sering menyebabkan kematian disebabkan tiadanya langkah rawatan.
Reviewer profile
Dr Nazrul always reminds parents not to forget the 'little helpers' that they can use to for their children to have healthy digestive system, ie the probiotics. You can ensure your children have enough probiotics by encouraging them to take sufficient foods of drinks that are rich in probiotics such as fermented milk products (chess, yogurt, etc) and fermented soy products (tempeh).