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Klinik Harmoni

Reviewer profile
Overall average. Doctor didn't provide explanation enough to cover all my problems. During consultation, the doctor didn't notify me in details that one treatment itself doesn't cover most affected body parts, and only by the end of the treatment he told me that the other affected parts will be continued in the next treatment. Also, I believed if clinic assistants could be more attentive to patients' needs, for example, immediately provide me with blanket when I lay down, to cover my lower body as I wore skirts to prepare for the treatment.
Reviewer profile
Dr Hon is an experienced doctor. I seek his treatment for freckles removal where they use q-witch. Similar to IPL, the freckles fall off fully in 5 days and now I have a flawless skin! The eye gel for dark circle is also working, unlike those that is sold in commercial. Price is very reasonable. A responsible and caring doctor!