Dr. Hemanth Kumar Ramasamy


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Friendly and detailed Urologist.

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I was in shock to see blood in my urine. I.quicky googled and was so scared after reading all.the causes. I was lucky to get an appointment from nurse Jaya within one day and met Dr Hemanth. He immediately calm me down with his soft words.and confidence. With some tests he told me that I had stone in my urine bladder. I was quickly put for a laser surgery and all the stone removed. Not much pain and flawlessly done by drs skill. I am.truly blessed. He is definitely the best urologist in Malaysia and kindest Doctor I have ever met. Thank you Dr Hemanth!

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Undoubtedly the top urologist. Went to him for a kidney stone consult. The previous urologist insisted on scope surgery but Dr Hemanth did the shocking therapy because the stone was still small. All in all I’m now stoneless and happy

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I am from the medical profession and was lucky to meet with Dr. Hemanth. He was very kind and patiently listened to my complaints. As a top professional, he knows what to do. He performed step by step and explained the condition accurately. But, giving respect to his colleagues, he waited for biopsy reports even though he got the diagnosis. Decision making is very clear.Highly recommended with five stars.

Dr Min, Terengganu

27 May 2022

Once again ,thank you Dr Hemanth. All the best.



17 May 2023

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Dr Hemanth is definitely the best urologist you could go for in Malaysia. Not to mention that, he have been much more to me than just a doctor. He have been my therapist, supporter, friend and well wisher. And he does follow up and keep in touch with you to ensure that you've feel better. Definitely one of the best doctor that i've met.

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I write this review in my opinion for the best urologist in Malaysia. During the pandemic I was working at Dubai and had very bad back pain. When I went to the hospital they told me I had a kidney stone that has dropped to my urine tube and needed an operation using a scope. Long story short after op they said all is good and in the follow up said I still have small stones in both kidney and nothing to worry. When I came back to Malaysia last week I didn’t feel comfortable and saw Dr Hemanth for an opinion. To my horror I had stones on both sides and my kidneys were swollen. Even my kidneys were not working so well. I was put up for two scope surgery and today I am clear of all stones. My kidneys are back to normal. I only have Dr Hemanth to thank. My true savior. If you need a urologist I will highly recommend Dr Hemanth

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Dr Hemanth is so cool! He is very knowledgeable & understanding. Great job doc! Highly recommended! Also, his assistant is very helpful & efficient

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Being an Expat, its always difficult to find a right doctor whom you can trust and be sure of right diagnosis and treatment. I was lucky to find Dr.Hemanth through Google search and received the best service. He is the person who not only understands the issues nicely but also explains clearly so that you're sure of what and why it's happening.
