Dr. Haris Hamzah


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bnrya sy bersyukur gak transfer kat Dr Haris. Dia antara pioneer yg buat IVF kat malaysia ni.. and record yg buat IVF yg success dgn dia lg tggi. bila sy refer balik kat staff subang fertility, mmg dorg suruh buat dgn Dr Haris (masa awal2, sy yg request nk Dr siti, sbb dr pompuan).. so kalini sy mcm tawakkal je la.. dr lelaki pun lelaki la.. Dr Haris mmg best, spend masa duduk, dia explain, kalo dgn dr siti, kalut2 ja, sbb ramai patient.. Dr Haris, dia hadkan brapa ramai patient dia nk jumpa sehari.. so mcm control sikit la.. & still ikut time appoinment


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Tapi sebab pegi private hospital takdelah risau kena pot-pet dekat nurse kan..hehe :) Did not get a good start since the doctor which is Dr. Haris Hamzah was late for 1 and half hours.

This is also my first pregnancy journey dengan doc lelaki, okay! I chose Dr. Haris sebab dia tak ramai patient, tu yang utama. Lagi satu, dulu pernah ada medical history dengan dia masa saya sakit perut disebabkan "corpus luteum cyst" kat belah kanan ovari. He's quiet friendly compare to the first time I met him. At least rasa nak marah sbb kena tunggu lama tu takdela makin bertambah teruk kan.

First check-up ni takdelah dia nak suruh test urine ke blood, just buat ultrasound je. Lega la sket sebab since it's Friday and he's already coming in late (tu pun syukur I was his 1st patient yang register), takut my other half tak sempat for Friday prayer.

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we chose dr haris as he is not so busy at that moment,furthermore he is a nice guy & he is a fertility doc which he is an advisor for a mag.His charges are reasonable and i even ask 50% discount for his professional delivery charges (RM300)!

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I suppost this doctor could be Dr Haris Hamzah, he has his own clinic at Sec 14, PJ. He is my gynae that ask me to go for laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. But according to him the cost will be around RM6K, anyway yr sis did it couple of years ago may be during that time the cost was cheaper.
