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Dr Agilan raise a seldom-discussed issue: fertility health preservation for cancer suvivors. This is because cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy, can potentially lead to sterility due to its effects on the reproductive organs. A multidisciplinary approach is needed to not only treat the cancer, but to also ensure that the cancer survivors lead a normal life, including the ability to start their own family.
Reviewer profile
Menurut Dr Agilan Arjunan, berdasarkan pengalaman 40 hingga 50 peratus pasangan yang mendapatkan khidmat rundingan kesuburan adalah berpunca daripada pihak lelaki. Katanya, peratusan tersebut dilihat mengalami banyak peningkatan jika hendak dibandingkan antara 10 hingga 15 tahun lalu. Ini menggambarkan kemerosotan kualiti sperma lelaki Malaysia yang semakin meruncing.