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Dato' Dr. Colin Lee

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After four years of trying to conceive and to no avail, we decided to seek medical help. We got to know of Dr Colin Lee Soon Soo by a friend of mine. After consulting Dr Lee, I was told that I'm diagnosed with advanced endometriosis (Stage IV). There is no question that chances for pregnancy in endometriosis are significantly decreased. Women like me have less than 1% chance for conceiving in a normal cycle. Since 2010, I've had two laparoscopies done. In 2011, Dr Colin suggested Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), a procedure that involves placing my husband sperm directly inside my uterus to obtain fertilisation. After the second attempt, I finally got pregnant but sadly, I miscarried at 6 weeks. We had another attempt of IUI but again, it failed. I was extremely devastated with my infertility matter. Early 2012, Dr Lee suggested us to try IVF. We agreed and therefore, my stimulation drug injections started. I'm able to get approximately 20 eggs retrieved on the day of egg pick-up. 3 days later, I was told to have 12 good quality embryos and had 3 best quality embryos transferred into my womb on the same day. The balances of the 9 embryos were frozen. Sadly, my beta HCG was negative on day 14. We did not give up hope and continued for another 2 frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles. Unfortunately, both cycles failed as well. We still have 3 more frozen embryos left and I told my husband, let's try for the last FET cycle, if it fails again, we will decide whether to go for adoption. finally!! 2 weeks after the 3rd FET cycle, I had a positive beta HCG! I was pregnant!! Now, I'm 3 months pregnant with singleton! Both my husband and I were overjoyed recalling back all those pain that we've gone through. Thank you Alpha Fertility Centre, the doctors and staff that have been with us throughout.
Reviewer profile
Dato Dr Colin Lee was famous prior to my visit to him, however, I met him at the wrong time. He just started the hospital back then, and he always go on long vacation. In order to make appointment with him, I have to wait for 3 months long to wait for him to return from vacation. He doesn't talk much, unlike Dr Leong, his assistance