J&T Express PCP T.L.PERDANA 404 business logo picture

J&T Express PCP T.L.PERDANA 404

Claim business
J&T Express is an express delivery company based on top-notch modernized e-technology with tagline "Express Your Online Business" which positions their brand as the core of e-commerce express.

Service /Price Details
Domestic and International Shipping
Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

Brg Sy declare lost begitu saja...selepas berminggu2 ke Hulu ke hilir...nk claim cerewet gila...end up burn ajela...gtu ek...beratus jgk tu...bleh dikatanya brg xde...masalah btul...kesian kt customer MCM Ni...

Reviewer profile
  • Area of Coverage
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Waiting Time

nom tel yg tertera sentiasa tak dapat dihubungi.Rasenye tak payah letak la kalau mcm tu.Macam mana penhantar dan penerima nak tahu status kalau nom pon tak dapat dihubungi.Menyusahkan org aje
