Comparison between Alexa and SimilarWeb using Google Analytics
**This article is about how we use the result of Google Analytics to compare with the results of SimilarWeb and Alexa. These three sources are web analytics services that provide commercial web traffic data and analytics. **
Ranking (August 2017) |
| | |
Global Rank: 250,919 Country Rank: 2,911 |
Global Rank: 209,215 Country Rank: 1,648 |
Bounce rate |
Google | | |
62.16 % | 58.65 % | 50.40 % |
Bounce rate is the number of visits in which a user leaves the website from the landing page without browsing any further. The actual bounce rate is 62.16% in Google Analytics, compared to the bounce rate for SimilarWeb (58.65%) and Alexa (50.40%). |
Daily pageviews per visitors |
Google | | |
2.50 | 2.37 | 5.80 |
The actual daily page views per visitors is 2.50 in Google Analytics compared to SimilarWeb which is 2.37 and Alexa is 5.80 on August 2017. |
Average Session Duration |
Google | | |
01:58 | 01:27 | 6:58 |
The actual daily average session duration is 1 minute 58 seconds in Google Analytics compared to SimilarWeb which is 1 minute 27 seconds and Alexa is 6 minute 58 seconds. |
Traffic Sources overview |
Google | | | |
The results shows that the top traffic source is Organic Search for Google Analytics, SimilarWeb and Alexa on July 2017. |
Audience Geography |
Google | |
SimilarWeb | |
The figure shows that the audience geography result for these three websites is same which is Malaysia as the top rank followed by Singapore on July 2017. |
We can conclude that the results of SimilarWeb is more accurate than Alexa because the results of bounce rate, daily page views per visitors and average session duration is approximately same with Google Analytics. SimilarWeb is more accurate than Alexa due to SimilarWeb using more sample of users/ traffic than Alexa. Furthermore, we can assume that the analysis result of Alexa is over estimated because some of our computers are installed with Alexa Toolbars.
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