爱心产后护理坐月子中心 Ai Xin Confinement Care Centre business logo picture

爱心产后护理坐月子中心 Ai Xin Confinement Care Centre

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爱心产后护理坐月子中心是唯一新獨特觀念產後護理之家, 提倡哺餵母乳, 融和現代母親在家坐月子及傳统坐月子中心的優勢。我们的中心位于槟城西南区,环境优美、空间宽敞、空气清新、舒适干净及泊车方便。提供酒店式坐月子中心护理、拥有现代化设施及专业管理,设有全面“智慧之家”、给于24小时的门户保安管理,让妈妈与宝宝安全静养。

坐月子是多数妇女必经的人生阶段。充分的休息以及正确的调理及恰当而合乎体质的进补,才能在坐月子期间得到最佳的疗效。爱心产后护理坐月子中心拥有丰富经验及持有护理助产专科文凭的护士(Nursing & Midwifery)提供新生兒照顧及協助哺餵母乳等的辅导。精挑细选经验丰富的資深專业华裔保姆24小時值班, 坚持以六心专业服务理念: 爱心, 耐心, 贴心, 关心,细心,责任心给予妈妈与宝宝贴心的照料,让您在坐月子期间无后顾之忧。

爱心产后护理坐月子中心为妈妈准备舒适高雅的單人家庭式套房,先生或家人可共宿提倡哺餵母乳, 母婴同室,促進親子關係。

适量的进补对坐月子非常重要,它带给妈妈们健康与幸福。爱心产后护理坐月子中心采用新鲜食材,依週期设计並针对個人体质及口味調理。提供有机健康元素坐月子餐.营养均衡的药膳料理,无限量供应补血、补气黑枣茶、催奶茶, 養肝茶及每日一次茶力丸,苏合丸生化湯(前三天),让产妇达到祛风,子宫收缩、补血养气、和排除恶露  的功能,从而迅速恢复元气与活力。


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my sis just went to ai xin, it's actually illegal! And their facilities are very poor (b.y.o. Toilet paper, restricted hours in tv viewing etc), and services are very unprofessional! Before my sis went there, they claimed that they support breastfeeding (despite the fact that they expressed limited knowledge in this field by telling my sis that all babies must be fed formula as there won't be enough breast milk during this period), now that my sis as been in there or less than a week, they gave her an ultimatum, express milk for them to bottle feed her baby (my sis has been breastfeeding) or leave the baby in her room (I.e. thy won't help to care for her baby)!

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  • Experienced
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我去了爱心。一切不错,食物和安弟都很好。唯一美中不足的是床不好睡和妈咪没得进baby room。所以我满月后不懂照顾宝宝。