Dr. Wong Sum Keong


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The service is satisfying at reasonable price
Reviewer profile

Is Dr Wong still practising?? I was told he retired few years ago

Reviewer profile

Very good doc and well-organized. Skillful in labor and very particular. Good Gynae.

Reviewer profile
The pricing rate in here is really satisfying with their best service. They provide a quality service here. Sometimes have to wait to meet the doctor but its okay because the doctor is very friendly. He will give advice to us.
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I heard so much about this doctor since he's the current OB of a family friend. He's a skilled doctor, very respectable and meticulous in his work. We have no complaints about his performance.
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I'm pregnant with my second baby and he's the attending doctor. I say that he's very professional in his field and knows everything about pregnancy from high-risk to low-risk. Don't worry, he's a good doctor.
Reviewer profile
He was my attending physician during my pre-natal and post-natal checkup. He's very good and is organized on his work matters.
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He's a brilliant doctor and he's very caring towards his patients. During checkups, he does not do things in a hurry.