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Not friednly.

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This doctor is very experienced, he treated me for about two years,for the first year he applied stent into me as well as did heart bypass for me. Then followed by a few follow up session and he is genuinely very patient and explains to me every single issue in details. He is also kind to give me advise like not necessary to do operation of there is not needed. unlike other doctor will just simply operate for the sakes of money. He even gave me free sample of expensive medicine that I consume in daily basis. He even took time to go through my report in the night time and patiently elaborate to me via personal whatsapp.Rare to find good soul doctor like this. THUMBS UP!

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Menurut Dr Lim, penyakit arteri koronari (CAD) adalah komplikasi makrovaskular diabetes yang merujuk kepada penyempitan arteri dalam jantung disebabkan enapan lemak yang turut dinamakan plak. Kepecahan mengejut plak kolesterol adalah punca umum, terutama dalam kalangan penghidap diabetes yang juga mengalami dislipidemia, mengakibatkan sekatan arteri dan mengundang serangan jantung atau strok.
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Sindrom patah hati dalam perubatan maksud masalah jantung sementara menyerupai serangan jantung yang boleh mengancam nyawa. Menurut Dr Lim, sindrom ini boleh disebabkan selepas mengalami trauma teruk, terlalu gembira, tekanan kuat dan lain-lain. Patah hati menyebabkan arteri jantung mengecil, menyebabkan aliran darah berkurangan, seterusnya otot jantung mengalami gangguan.
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NHAM is the history of the growth and development of cardiology as a specialty in the country. Dr. Liew San Foi is a Member of the National Heart Association of Malaysia (NHAM). NHAM has also contributed to teaching and training in cardiology.