Think Teach Academy Kovan business logo picture

Think Teach Academy Kovan

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Enter a student, depart a thinker. We nurture the thinkers of tomorrow. Think Teach is a premium education academy that embodies the core philosophy of teaching and thinking smart. Our students are empowered to learn effectively by asking the right questions, exploring different methodologies and challenging the norms. With a revolutionary curriculum that reflects our philosophy and a stellar team of teachers who champion it, we are excited to nurture the next batch of thinkers and compose yet more stories of success. If your child is in primary school and looking for a quality education academy to journey with towards the PSLE, you have come to the right place. We look forward to having him/her experience learning with us.

Service /Price Details
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday& Friday 3-8:30pm, Wednesday 1-8:30pm, Saturday 9am-6:30pm
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