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Vital Years

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VITAL YEARS English Reading & Writing Programme recognises that the children are, in fact, readers already, and are continuously learning to read. These children have learnt to distinguish voices and faces; they have learnt to make distinctions between objects in their environment and are continuously learning to read their world in order to come to terms with it or make sense of it.

It is the recognition of this fact that gives the Programme its unique place among other reading programmes currently available In recognising this, the Programme is affirming the following :
that deciphering black marks on paper (print) is no more difficult for children than other kinds of reading that they do.

that we need not teach children who are natural readers to read; rather we have to help them to read.

that children can read print with ease if obstacles are not placed in their way.

that children will make sense of print in the same way as they make sense of their world by distinguishing, categorising and generalising.

Service /Price Details

English Language Course

Price: RM1,100 (first month)

Period: 1month

Class: Monday to Friday, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Hours per session: 2hours 

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我儿子就在kepong 的vital years上课,我觉得这间vital years很不错下。老师有爱心,很会哄小孩子,我家的3岁开始上课,只哭了2天酱就不哭了 因为老师们都很照顾他。 至于课程,他现在念了一年,很多英文字都会认了。每天放学回来还会唱歌,喜欢阅读!不过vital years是没有让太小的孩子写字,因为他们的手部发育还不完整。所以家长要认同这一点,不然就会觉得为什么读了一年还不会写字 我就是不想让我孩子太早握笔才让他去vital years的。他在那里上课上得很开心,回家没有功课。我家隔壁的小孩念SmXXt RXXder 放学回家每天都做功课 不过在vital years里,老师们还是会让他们学习写一些简单的字,但是都是老师抓着孩子的手跟着虚线画画酱的,没有很强迫性的那种。上课讲故事的时候是一群小朋友一起,教学的时候则是一对一。 so far我对他们的课程都很满意,虽然是贵了点 (我这里一个月的价钱是RM350)昨天才听院长说明年应该会起价 不过我还是会继续让孩子念下去
Reviewer profile
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How effective is Vital Years to my Preschooler? Chloe has attended Vital Years for 2 weeks to date, and the common question I get from friends and relatives is always 'How is Chloe's Progress in Vital Years? Can she read now? Can she write now?' I usually replied 'Nothing Much' or 'Like that lor' with a shrug because I didn't really expect much from Vital Years and besides Chloe has only attended TWO WEEKS of classes. What miracle can happen in merely two weeks? It must be crazy to expect Chloe to write and read on her own after two weeks classes. I think I was expecting too much from Vital Years and thus I UNintentionally complained quite a bit about Vital Years of being lack of Professionalism. Complaining which also means lacking of confidence in Vital Years. Lack of Confidence leads to low expectation in my child's progress. Hey, let me tell you this TODAY that I was so wrong to make such an inaccurate judgement about Vital Years. (Hmm...Actually I don't remember making very bad comments ) After two weeks, I actually find Chloe has improved a little in her speech. During the journey home from Vital Years, I always take the opportunity to talk to her. She surprised me on the last few trips home with her ability of describing THINGS like 'Mama, see those clouds in the sky?' and this is the exact words that she used. Compared to before Vital Years, she would say 'Mama, see, see, cloud there.' So, is this a Progress? Of course!!! Being skeptical about Vital Years had stopped me from noticing my child's progress!! Okay, Fine! Let's not talk about progress in her reading and writing skills. Let's talk about how enthusiastic she is to be at school everyday. We were late for class on Monday because I sent Chloe for her Hep A jab. On our way to send Chloe home from the Clinic, she cried badly and she insisted to go to 'school'. Even though we were SO late, but we managed to send her to attend the class for the last 1 1/2 hour. Every morning when Mama sent Chloe up to the centre, she would walked up the stair joyfully and never forget to tell Mama that 'Mama, Chloe is a good girl. No Cry in School.' Upon arriving the center doorway, she would turn to Mama and said 'Bye, Mama. I Love You, Mama'. Immediately, she would rush into the centre with her GREAT BIG SMILE, and I could faintly hear Chloe greeted her teachers & aunties in the centre. Another BONUS! Guess what? How a? Should I even mention about it? It's a TABOO to talk about it! Hahaha..Nah...I don't care. Dang Dang Dang Dang~~~ Chloe is actually 'sleeping through the night' after attending classes at Vital Years. Hahaha..To many of you, must be wondering what is the big deal?!! In my case, YES, it is a major transition. So far *touch wood*, She sleeps through without waking up in the night to ask for cuddling or TLC. I mean I don't mind Chloe waking up to ask for our TLC every night, but I reckon it is not a very good habit to mold. Well, last two nights because of her flam, she woke up coughing and crying for TLC. It is perfectly fine for me. Just that, it is EVEN BETTER if she could actually sleep through without waking up. HOORAY for Mama & Papa. Because of Vital Years experience, it makes me hunt for a kindy more aggressively. I have been googling for kindies, reading blogs about which is a better kindy for my child. I shall elaborate in my next post. I am very grateful to Vital Years for making me realize how important is it for me to ACT quickly to expose my preschooler to a proper learning environment. Vital Years is a place for preschoolers to learn how to read & write in English, but because of their good program structure, it was actually needless for teachers to update me on my child's progress. My child will update me her progress in her very own way, I just need to pay more attention and I will find the answer. I always ask Chloe what did she do in school every day on our journey home. The first week's answer was only 'DRAWING', and when it comes to her 2nd week. Her answers varies a little day by day. From drawing to drawing & reading, from drawing & reading to drawing, reading a book & singing, from drawing, reading a book & singing to drawing sun, reading mickey mouse book and sing London Bridge. Is Vital Year good? It is a 'VERY GOOD' to me. I refuse to make comparison and I am happy at where I am now AT THIS CURRENT STAGE. Why worry? As long as my girl is happy.