TOM Wedding Studio business logo picture

TOM Wedding Studio

Claim business



Its emphasis is on the concept of a home studio whereby it specializes in custom made wedding packages to cater to the fast-paced busy lifestyle of the Brides-To-Be. We are able to provide a VIP experience of One-To-One service for customized wedding packages to suit your individual preferences, your preferred schedule, shooting location and theme as well as a customized itinerary. Our passion towards excellence service guarantees you to seal your big moment with delightful memories that will last you a lifetime; your happiness is our satisfaction!

Service /Price Details


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Understands client demand and very friendly..thank against guys for your awesome work.
Reviewer profile
  • Quality
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  • Value of Money
  • Availability
Tom Loke Yew's package is quite a good deal. I was shopping with my fiance and we stumbled upon their booth, they were promoting their pre wedding packages. Outdoor indoor, 6 dresses, two albums, and other usual stuffs... cost RM3k. Bridal shops in SS2 are charging higher. I'm really interersted in TOM loke yew, but after reading the comments... I am having second thought.