Smart Reader Kids (Seri Kembangan) business logo picture

Smart Reader Kids (Seri Kembangan)

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Backed by the success of the Smart Reader English Programme and the rich experience of the group of educationists, Smart Reader® Worldwide launched the Smart Reader Kids® concept in 1999. Tagged as Every Child's Dream School, this unique, imaginative and vibrant 21st century model child development centre has emerged very aggressively and accredited by the Malaysia Book of Records as The Largest Chain of Child Enrichment Centres in Malaysia. With the formation of two other franchised programmes in 2000, namely Smart Reader Kids Junior® and Smart Reader English for Adults and Youths, the organisation has evolved to become the largest educational franchise group with the establishment of more than 300 franchise centres in Malaysia. Smart Reader® Worldwide has also expanded its wings internationally by having 150 franchise centres in the Philippines, China, Thailand, Brunei and Middle East.

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recommended for those who want develop their children talents and speaking skill. the service very excellent but should prepared a lot of money for the monthly fees.

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Super kindergarten
